Music Video Dilemma

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Meghan's POV

YAS!! Today is the day, gonna kiss the love of my life for a music video. Can't wait!!!

I ran to the bathroom and took a shower, I was rushing..I'm so excited!!! Like super!!


I called Charlie to check up on him

"hey char, where are you?"

"driving to your house, I'm gonna pick you up"

"I'll be waiting my love"

"bye, sweetie. Get ready for our kiss later"

I hung up and sat on the couch just patiently waited for Charlie to pick me up

*knock, knock*, I opened the door and hugged Charlie

"let's go"

We drove to the set and got ready in our own makeup room

I can't wait to kiss you

Charlie's POV

My crew dressed me up and put a little bit of makeup on my face..perfect

"Charlie be ready in five" my manager yelled from outside


I got ready once again and hopped out of the room. I saw Meghan, I winked at her, she giggles and winked back..she gives me the shivers whenever she does that. I want to take her dress off and make love to her


"You were so good back there, Charlie" meghan said while wiping her sweat with a napkin
"wait for me, I'll just go to the restroom" I followed her and closed the door behind us

I kissed her passionately and trailed kisses down her neck

"I'm so happy to make love to my sweetheart" I said while kissing her

"Charlie..not here" I backed away a little and stopped kissing her

"I'm sorry, guess I got a little carried away by your rocking body"

"get out, I still need to pee"

"okay" I stepped out of the restroom and waited for her outside

"don't do that again charlie"

"okay, let's go" I led her to my car, I drove to drop her off at her house

" I love you meghan, always"

"I love you too, Charlie"

Sup Dawgs!!! Comment ideas!!


Xx Bye xX

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