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Meghan's POV

"Are you ready?" Charlie said, he held my hand and caressed it

"I'm so nervous" I'm honestly really nervous cause I'm kissing Charlie infront of thousands of famous people and also, it's live

"it's okay, it's gonna be fun. Trust me" he winked at me and led me to the stage

We sang, and dance. It's really fun to be with my char char

Charlie's POV

I can tell that Meghan's really nervous, so am I.

I held Meghan's waist and we danced a slow song, there's no real song, I hummed a tune

We spinned around, meghan rested her face in my shoulder

"I love you, Charlie" she whispered in my ears. I kissed her neck

"I love you too"


"why did you do that? That wasn't funny" meghan shouted at me, well apparently I held her butt while kissing her passionately earlier at our performance..I can sense a tone of anger and lust at her voice, she really liked what I did

"in my defense, I liked touching your butt" I spank her butt

"stop it"

"come on baby-" I said while starting to kiss her, she moved away

"let's do this later, promise"

"okay, but you owe me a kiss little lady" I winked

Im really happy that meghan is my girlfriend, she's kind, loving, gorgeous, has a great, golden hair...what more could I ask for

Hey guys! This one-shot is boring right? Cause it doesn't have a bed scene..I'll be making new one-shots later


Xx Bye xX

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