Never Gonna Happen

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Meghan's POV

Im sitting at the plane while listening to music. I'm so bored..I'm sitting beside Charlie because he needs someone to make him relax, hes afraid of planes..

Suddenly, Charlie's head is sitting on my shoulder. Aww..he's such a cutie when he sleeps


Fuck! I felt a turbulence..Charlie held my hand

"char it's okay..I'm here" I held his hand and rubbed it gently

The captain said that we need to use those things in the plane..idk what's it called. Whatever

I put it on, Charlie and I held on tightly into each others hand

We felt the plane falling...God, please tell my family I love them.

The plane fell on the ground. I bumped my head Onto the seat infront of me and everything went black...


I feel charlie's arms in my body...I opened my eyes and realized im in a hotel room..I sit up, Im covered in sweat

"Meg, what happened?"

"I had a bad dream" I hugged Charlie, he rubbed my back for comfort

"'s alright, it's just a bad dream"

I got up and went to the kitchen to grab a bottle of water

I went to bed again and had the bad dream


"Charlie dont give up on me" I held charlie's hand while crying beside him...


"no! No! Charlie!!! Charlie!!" I hugged him and cried..why does he have to die?


I woke up in sweat again...I noticed, Charlie wasn't beside me. I panicked

I got up from bed and started shouting

"Charlie! Babe, where are you?"

"in here babe" I heard him shout in the kitchen

I quickly went to the kitchen and saw Charlie making pancakes. He has no shirt on. I hugged him from behind and started crying

"why are you crying? Is there something wrong?"

"nothing, everythings's just that-you died in my dream"

"'s just a dream" he hugged me tightly and led me on the couch
"tell me everything"

"we are in a plane, the plane didn't make it, you died in the hospital"

"it's never gonna happen" he hugged me again and gently, rubbed my back

"promise me you won't ever leave me"

"I promise"

This chapter isn't good right?
Uhh...I hate this one but I still hope you guys like this..

More chapters to come


Xx Bye xX

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