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Meghan's POV

My heart was beating so fast, I'm going to perform at the Grammy's alone.. A staff went infront of me while I'm carefully walking towards

"stand infront that circle, that flatform will go up slowly and don't panick, when it is fully up go to your position and and perform okay?" she stepped back as u stepped on the flatform, she shouted to the other staffs to make it clear because fans were screaming after Charlie puth performed. The flatform slowly lifted and big smiles were forming on my lips, I can't believe it!

When I'm finally on the top, I positioned myself while the song was playing and me singing and danced to the beat. People were watching me and the light was making their eyes sparkle as I continued performing, the song ended and my fans cheered for me then I lined up straight to the stage still wearing a bright and sweet smile

I waved and some fans screamed and I'm glad they liked me! And now after that I quickly went to the backstage being greeted by the staffs and patting my shoulders as I headed inside my dressing room, I dressed to my white flowers dress and the makeup war begins again

*knock! Knock! Knock!*

There was a sudden knock on the door and one of the makeup artist opened it up revealing Charlie puth who has a white outfit on, he approached me but I just returned my gaze on my phone

"meghan, I'm grabbing a drink outside. Want to join me?" he asked I just nodded and stood up, I hurriedly went outside remembering those memories.... I shook my head and tried to swipe it away of my mind, we got to the bar. We walked around and sat at the table near the stage

The bartender gave us our drinks, I took a quick sip and charlie began to talk
"I'm sorry, you know I can't waste the chance to be a singer" I decided to forgive him though, that was his dream and I don't want to ruin it besides I'm also a famous singer now and nothing can go wrong right?

"i know, I don't want to waste my ex boyfriends dream after watching him work hard everyday, I already forgave you" I smiled to him and he looked at me with a shocked expression but smiled and hugged me

"thanks for understanding me Meg" he ruffled my hair while we both laugh, I miss him so much and I want to crush him with hugs and kisses! I can't believe this will happen. I am so happy! I was about to pull him but he stopped me
"do we still have chances for each other?" he said and I nodded, hugging him as he slowly hugged me back

Both of us pulled away and drank from our drinks, I feel Charlie held my hand and pulled me closer to him

I guess we love each other again!

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