Dear Future Husband

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Meghan's POV

Shit! I'm stuck at work and I have a wedding appointment.. Charlie's gonna be furious if I'll be late

"meghan, you have to stay here until 9:00" my boss said

"why sir?" I asked

"I have to go home early so you have to finish all the paperworks" he said, while rushing to grab his sweater and coat

"okay boss, happy holidays!" I said a bit sarcastic

"bye meghan, happy holidays" he grabbed his suitcase and walked out of the building. Ah!! I better move fast so I can go to the church already


Finally! All the paperworks are done. It's already 10:00, I finished in just an hour, yes! I better go to Charlie

I picked up my phone and called him

"hey babe! Are you close at the church yet?" asked Charlie

"almost, I'm coming babe, dont worry" I said

"okay, I love you. I can't wait to marry you meghan"

"okay, I love you. Bye" I hung up and picked up my bag

I rushed to the elevator and entered, I walked out of the office right away and called a taxi

"where at miss?" ask the driver

"to the church nearby please"

"okay, here we go"

Don't worry baby, I'm coming. I thought


"babe, I'm so sorry.. I was stuck at work and it was traffic and--" I was cut off by charlie when he put his finger on my lips

"shh.. It's alright, let's just get married and be happy forever" he said and kissed me on the lips

"I love you charlie" I said and kissed him again

"I love you too, Mrs puth" he replied, we hugged each other and looked at the church. Smiling


Charlie's POV

"you may now kiss the bride" said the priest.

I leaned in to kiss meghan tenderly, finally our lips met. I felt fireworks flew inside me. We pulled away and smiled

"this is the best day ever, I love you" I said to meghan

"my dear husband, better love me right" she said and winked, I chuckled I and kissed her once again

Wassup!! I haven't updated anything because the wifi here isn't working.. I'm so sorry ya'll, I'll update everyday, I promise

Ily all lovelies

Marlie One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now