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Meghan's POV

I'm staring at the ceiling, then suddenly I got a text from someone, I grabbed it and looked. It's Charlie!!

"hey beautiful! Meet me at the park today! See yah! Wear your red, lacy dress" guess I better get ready..

I went to the bathroom and took a bath, got dressed.
I looked at myself in the mirror...DAMN! I look hot AF!!

I went downstairs, grabbed my keys and drove to the park.


"hey baby" Charlie said while walking towards me, he give me a kiss and leads me to a bench

"what are we doing here?" I asked, he just stared at me the whole time. This is weird..
"uhh..Charles.." I waved my hands infront of his face.
He cupped my face and planted a kiss on my lips..his lips is so addictive! I could kiss him all day..
"Charlie not here" I said

"you owe me, woman" he said. I winked at him, he laughed

"what are we doing here anyways?" I said laughing a bit.
He kneels on one knee and pulls out a red box from his pocket, what is he doing? Is he proposing or something?!

"meghan Elizabeth trainor, will you be Mrs. Meghan Elizabeth Puth?" I covered my mouth with my hands because of excitement

"yes! Of course!" he stood up, kissed me then hugged me tight like never before

"I love you so much, meghan" he picks me up and spins me around

This is the best day of my life, I can't wait to be Meghan Elizabeth Puth

Hey guys!! In This one shot, meghan only has a POV..
I know this is short, nobody cares..


Xx Bye xX

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