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Meghan's POV

I woke up, not feeling well...I went to the bathroom and threw up.

Charlie came inside the bathroom rushing..

"Meg! Are you alright?" he held my hair up while I puke

I stood up and washed my mouth with listerine.

"I'm fine, it's just morning sickness"

"well, you're pregnant...I guess that'll happen" I glared at him and smacked his arms playfully, I went back to bed and took another nap.


I woke up and looked at the time, it's 10:00..I must have slept too long..

I went to the kitchen to grab some water..

"Charlie! Charlie!" there's no answer..maybe he's at the supermarket..

I went to the living room and hopped on the couch..I suddenly saw a note on the table that says

"hey, I'm at the supermarket..I bought more food for us, just wait for me


God! He is so sweet!!

I just sat on the couch and waited for Charlie to come back

"hey babe" Charlie shouted from the front door

"in here" I saw Charlie holding a LOT of paperbags. He went to the kitchen and placed the bags on the center island, sat next to me and hugged me.

"I'm gonna pee" I rushed to the toilet and peed....I realized there's a pool of water in my feet..F*ck, what is this?

"Charlie! Come in here!!" I said

"what is Happen-oh my god.."
He carried me bridestyle and droved to the nearest hospital


"Merlington, Merlington Elizabeth." I said to the nurse who was asking what the baby's name will be

"that's a beautiful name, babe" Charlie kissed my forehead and grabbed the baby in my hands..

"my little Merlington.." I whispered.

There's a great life ahead of us

Hello!! This is an awesome one shot right? I titled the title 'Merlington' because I like my daughter's name to be that..


Xx Bye xX

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