Being Suspicious

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Meghan's POV

Charlie is going to sing at the Miss Universe 2015 and I'm head over heels excited!!!

I'm facing the TV, still waiting for him to come out.. Where is he! Ugh!

"Let's Marvin Gaye and get it on" I hear charlie sang from the TV, I turned the volume up so I can hear his beautiful voice

My gaze was in charlie all through his performance, I'm trying to catch him on the act if he would look at the girls that's wearing bikinis, I know I'm not that fit.. Whatever! I'm more hotter than them (yes, you are meghan!)

Ha! I finally caught him.. I saw him look at the girl "Philippines", ugh! When he comes back here I'll teach him a lesson


Charlie was done and now all I have to do is wait for him to come home

I was getting a bit bored so I checked my instagram and saw Charlie posted a pic!! GRRRR... It's a pic of him and one of the candidates

Charlie's POV

I stepped out of the car with flowers on my right hand, this flowers are for meghan

I opened the door gently "babe, I'm home" I noticed that the lights are all out and only the light in our bedroom was on

I came inside our bedroom and placed the flowers on the table beside the bed "Meg?" I once again called her name

She came out of the bathroom wearing a bathrobe "hey babe" she said and leaned on the doorframe of the bathroom

"what are you doing in there? I was looking for you" I said, she walked towards me and took off her robe. She was wearing a sexy black lingerie that fits her curves perfectly, I can't help but stare at her from head to foot

"tell me that your only mine charlie" she said, I looked at her lips and back at her eyes

"I'm yours meghan, only yours babe" I said, she kissed me. Hard

I put my hands on her waist and pulled her closer to my body, I feel myself go hard

"meghan, why are you doing this?" I asked. She pulled away angrily and sat on the bed with her arms and legs crossed

As I look at her, she was so cute

"you were looking at one of the candidates earlier, I can't help but feel a little jealous because I'm not slim. Like her" she said and pout

"awe, babe.. No need to get jealous" I said and placed my hands on her thigh, rubbing it gently. I feel her shiver at my touch so I grabbed her waist and pulled her closer to me "your mine, and will be forever"


"yes" I kissed her again but this time with more passion

I let my tounge roam around her mouth, she is the only Miss Universe in my life

We layed on the bed, still kissing.. She was on top of me, I carefully take off the lingerie, I cup her face and kiss her again "Charlie" she breathed

"your so sexy meghan" I said in between kisses, I rolled so now I'm on top.. I took off my clothes one by one

I ripped Meghan's panty and inserted my pointer finger inside her "oh god" she gripped my arms tightly, her mouth was wide open but no words was coming out of it "Charlie, don't Fucking tease" she said, I grin and move my finger slowly, adding another finger she moaned my name quietly

"meghan, say your mine" I said greedily, I feel meghan clench her thing in my fingers so I pulled it out and lined myself With her

"I'm yours Charles--- Ahh!!!" I rammed myself inside her and stopped so she can adjust to my size

I thrust inside her over and over again "Fuck me harder puth!!! Ahh!! Yeah!!" she moaned a bit loader indicating to me that her climax was building

"meghan, ugh" I moaned with her, my thrust getting sloppy.. I rest my head on top of meghan's shoulder, kissing her neck and sucking in her sensitive spot

"keep on going baby-- I'm Close!! Oh Shit!! Fuck!!" she moaned, I feel her thing clench and unclench at my member, she wrapped her legs around my back and I still kept going.. I hit something inside her that causes her to scream "CHARLIE!!!!!" then finally I got what I wanted, I feel her juices over my shaft, after a few more thrust I release inside her then I layed beside her
"that-was-amazing" she said while trying to Catch her breath

"I love you baby" I said "ready for round two?" I asked. She nod in response

She rolled on top of me and grind her thing on my member

"ouch! It hurts charlie" she said

"it's okay babe" I said, I stood up and turned her around, she was bending over without giving her time to comprehend, I pound into her

"shit!!" she shouted "Fuck me until I can't walk" she said

"I will Baby" I pounded into her hot thing and moaned her name

"Charlie, oh god!! It hurts!! Ahhhhh" she moans, I feel in need to release again so I warned her "cum now baby!!" she screamed, I feel myself release inside her again "oh Fuck yes!! Yes!!" she screamed

I pulled away slowly still in need of sex "wanna go round three?" I asked

"okay, but this is the last puther!!" she warned, I nod and stood up still have my erection hanging "what am I gonna do with your D*ck?" she asked

"suck it!" I demand

She chuckled at my dictation "okay!" she grabbed my d*ck and hump it, she carefully sucked it

I grabbed her hair and guided her head at the correct motion "yes!" I moaned

"Mmm" I hear meghan moan, still sucking.. I came at her mouth and she pulled away "gross!!" she exclaimed

"sorry, I have to do it!!" I said and laughed "now it's your turn"

I suck her cl*t harder than ever, I pump my fingers inside and she tug my hair "that's right! Fuck me Charles!!" she said, I smirked and I put my tounge inside her and she screamed "Ahh!!!"

I pulled away but my fingers are still thrusting inside her bundle of nerves, I looked at her and she was moaning with her eyes closed, she was enjoying the pleasure that I'm giving to her "God! You're still tight baby" I said

She hitched her breath and looks at me, there is sweat all over her body "just shut up and Fuck me until I can't walk" she said

I fucked her all night and it was great

Okay, what did I just wrote?!

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