My Friend's Ex

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Charlie's POV

I'm at the beach, walking along the shore..I saw a girl ran to the sea crying.

Why is she crying?!..she shouted at the top of her lungs and sobbed...she sat at the white sand and cried in her knees

I just looked at her and felt something spark..Fuck!

She looks at me with her green emerald and puffy eyes
"what?! Do you have a problem?!" she said. I shaked my head no..I walked up to her and rubbed her back gently comforting her

"do you want to talk about it?" I said

"why would I even tell my problem to you, I don't even know you"

"maybe, but perhaps I can help"

"okay.." she sat up and fixed herself, she wiped the tears out of her eyes and smiled at me

"that looks better, what's your name by the way?"

"I'm meghan"

"Charlie" I extend my arm and she shaked it

"nice to meet you charlie"

"meghan, what's your problem?"

"okay, my boyfriend cheated on me with my friend Sasha and broke up with me over the phone"

"what's your boyfriend's name?"

"Brian Kurzweil"

"wait, Brian?"

"yeah, you know him?"

"he's my friend"

"really?! Can you please talk to him?"

"yeah, sure..I'll try"

"thank you so much Charlie" she gave me a tight hug

Why did this happen to me?! I was gonna hit on her... Oh god?! She's my friend's ex!! What if Brian and meghan get back together I'll be Dammed!!

To be continued..

Hey! This was fun to make..comment more ideas, I'll be making a part two of this anyways..

Xx Bye xX

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