Duet Pt. 2

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Charlie's POV

I'm sitting at a stool near the bar station, drinking tequila..my eyes saw a hot, sexy, beautiful girl..I realized it was meghan trainor. What could she be doing here at a party?

"hey, you like her don't you?" mikaela teased me..yeah, I kinda like her, she rock those curves..I like it


"oh come on! Admit it, you like her"

"fine, fine I like her, happy?"

"of course! Go talk to her.." I looked at meghan once again..she's walking towards us, what do I do?..stay calm, Charlie!

Meghan trainor sat next to me and ordered one shot of tequila, god! I can smell her lovely scent from here!

"hey" she spoke to me?! I'm fangirling!!

"hey-hey me?" I said while pointing my finger at myself

"yeah, you..Charlie puth" wait, she knows me?? How??

"how did you know my name?"

"hello? You sang 'see you again', right?" i kinda forgot that I was famous back there.

"oh yeah"

"anyways...do you have new songs coming up?"

"yeah, I have this new song called 'marvin gaye', but that song needs to be a duet..do you wanna-you know, sing it with me?"

"yeah, sure. When do we start?"

"maybe tomorrow"

"sure, call me. Here's my number" she wrote her number in a napkin and gave it to me
"bye, Charlie" she stood up and went to her friend

"see yah, Meg" I whispered to myself

//| the other day..|\\

Charlie: hey, just checking out if you gave me the right number

Meghan: why would I give you a wrong number..Im honest

Charlie: sorry, so what's up?

Meghan: nothing much..wanna hangout today and record the song?

Charlie: sure, I'll pick you up

I stopped texting her and took a shower. I want to look good for the love of my life

I drove to Meghan's place to pick her up. I knocked three times..finally, on the third knock she finally opens the door and said hi to me, she turned around to pick her purse at the table, while she's walking Im staring at her luscious body

"let's go" I led her to my car and opened the door for her
"thanks" she smiled at me and closed the door, I circled around to go at the driver's seat


"you were so good back there, Charlie" I blushed and looked at my hands

"thanks" I looked at her and saw that she was staring at me, our eyes locked and finally, our lips touched

"I love you charlie" she said inbetween kisses

"I love you too meghan"

This is the end of the one shot 'duet'..hey! Comment some ideas please!!!


Xx Bye xX

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