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Meghan's POV

I'm at school, scribbling through tons of pages..prom is next week, yikes! Wish no one will ask me cause I don't like proms..they suck D!

"hey" it's charlie..he is my kinda-sorta crush here at school, but he doesn't know that cause hes famous here. He shouldn't know!

"hello, what do you need?" I asked while looking at my book, I'm shy..

"uhh..I was..wondering if you could..uhh..go to prom with me?" he said. Wait, is this for real? Is he trying to trick me?

"what? Why? On all of the girls here you choose me?" I said with a little confused tone in my voice

"well, you're not like the other girls. I always study a girl that I like" wait, wait, wait..he stalks me? Wow! I'm so happy..wha-why am I happy? He's a stalker meghan!. I can't say no to the love of my life..

"sure..that's enough reason" I said

"yes! Thanks I'll text you later Meghan. Wait, what's your number?" he's asking my phone number..I am so freaking out rn!!

"it' can call me later or text me" I said

"sure do, milady" I rolled my eyes

"whatever" I stood up, picked my books and bag then went to class


I'm at home, laying on my bed and staring at the ceiling. I'm obviously waiting for Charlie's text or call

Finally, he texts me

"hey sorry if this took so long, wassup?"

"it's okay, I'm just at home. Staring at the ceiling"

"wanna hangout?"

"uhh..sure. Let's hangout here and watch movies"

"Kay..what's your address?"
If he's a stalker, why doesn't he know my address. Maybe he just stalks me at school, yeah! Maybe

"it's......I'll be waiting"

I stopped texting him. I placed my cellphone beside me and went to the kitchen to grab a bottle of water

Suddenly, I heard a knock on the door, maybe it's charlie!
I went to the door and opened it. All I see is a sweaty Charlie...did he rushed or something?

"hey" he said, trying to catch he's breath

"hey, why did you rush to get here?"

"I want to get as quickly as I could"

"mm..come in" I opened the door widely to let Charlie come in
"so, what should we do?...Ik! Let's watch a movie" I suggests

"yeah sure" I led him to sit on the couch, set the DVD up and sat next to him.
"this is the life.." he said, he placed his hand on my shoulders and hugged me...umm..what is freaking happening. As he was doing it, I feel some tingling around my's because you're inlove meghan!
I moved aside and faced him..good, way to kill the mood meghan!

"tell me more about you" I said. He faced me and started talking.

"well, there's not much to say..okay, my full name is Charles Otto puth, Im from new Jersey, I'm 19 years old..I write songs, I know I'm famous but for me I'm not, I don't like being around with people I don't know"

"what? But you're like the hottest -nevermind" Sh*t watch your words meghan, watch your words.....okay, stay calm

"what is it? You never finished your sentence" he said with a confused look

"it's just..that, I think you're hot, also to be're my crush" he just stared at me
"I like you, like a lot" he's face went closer and closer, our lips finally met.

"can you go to prom with me?"

"yes, yes"

Yeah I made another one, finally!! *crowd claps*
Yay!!!!! Let's celebrate!!


Xx Bye xX

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