Roommates pt. 2

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After 1 year

Meghan's POV
I've been heart broken for 1 year because Charlie has a girlfriend now and he spends more time with her than me. Fuck Madison so much. I hate her. Forever. She fucking stole Charlie from me, even his time. I only see Charlie once a week because he kind of lives with Madison now. It's like he's not my roommate anymore. Maybe, I need to find a new roommate.

I dial Charlie's number on my phone and waited for him to pick up. After 3 dials, he finally answers.


"Charlie, it's Meghan."

"Oh, hi Meghan. What's up?"

"Charlie, we need to talk. Can you come here?"

"Yeah, sure. Be there in a minute."

Then he hangs up.

I sat on the couch and watched tv.


Suddenly a knock on the door startled me. I fell asleep on the couch. I stand up and walked to the door, I opened it and saw Charlie with tears in his eyes. I think he's been crying.

"Charlie what happened?" I asked him. He didn't respond but instead he hugged me and cried on my shoulder. I rub his back to sooth him, "Charlie, tell me what happened."

He pulled away and I led him on the couch. I didn't even bother closing the door. Fuck it, Charlie needs me.

Both of us sat on the couch and he started to talk.

"She cheated on me, " Charlie blurted out.

"Who cheated on you?" I asked, I already know who but I just want to be sure if it's Madison or some other girl.


"Charlie, I'm sorry." I said, I scoot closer to him and I placed my hand on his thigh, "Are you okay?"

"Kinda," he said. "But I don't need Madison, I already love someone." My heart stopped beating. He loves someone else. I know it's not me..

I was about to cry but I can't cry in front of him. It'll make him feel weird.

I can't take it anymore, I have to cry somewhere private. I stand up but he grabs my hand, I look at him "Charlie I'll just get you some water." I said.

"Meghan, don't leave me."

"I'm never ever going to leave you, Charlie."

"Meghan, I love you." Okay.. Wait, what? He said I love you? Okay.. This is so not normal.. Charlie loves me?


"I love you. Since the first day we met" I sat beside him again and looked at him.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, very sure"

And then I cried. "I love you too, Charlie" I hugged him tight and he didn't even struggle.

"I'm going to ask you a question," he whispered. "Will you be my girlfriend?"


AN: okay. That's the end of roommates. Sorry if I made you guys wait for a month? I think? I've been kind of busy to write the second part.

I love you, My amazing readers 😘

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