Till Death Do Us Part

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"I love you so much, Charlie Puth." She mumbles against her lover's lips.

Charlie grins, "Till death do us part?" He asks.

She gives him a small nod before saying, "Till death do us part."


Charlie Puth was a killer, wait, no, a murderer... But I guess there's not much of a difference. But, yeah, he kills people. But he always has a reason. It's either, the person he killed was his arch enemy or just verbally abused him or bullied him as a child. He didn't meant for it to happen, really. When he had his first victim, which was his babysitter who abuses him by calling him mean names and always pushes him around, he promised to himself that he'll seek revenge to everyone that had hurt him and would torture them. And by torture, he means killing.

Meghan knows everything, ever since he killed his babysitter, she never ever left him even though he has like a mental disability. Well, he's bipolar and was undergoing treatment. To this day, he's still taking medicines. He's always mean and angry, but when he sees her wife's smile, everything fades away and only love and care for the red headed girl stays inside his heart. He's still stunned by the fact that after all the years that he had killed people, she still stayed and never left him. Well, Meghan didn't really care what Charlie does, as long as they're together and he loved her, she's never going to leave his side. She promised.

Charlie's dad, Chuck, had always abused the boy. Kicking him or punching him on the stomach whenever he's drunk, and would always leave a mark. Charlie had always hated his father for his verbal actions. And now that he's all grown, he wanted to get his revenge. Meghan knows it's wrong, but she can't do anything to stop him. She thinks Karma's a bitch and his father deserves it for hurting his husband.

Anyway, it was all indeed planned. Charlie tracked down his father so he now knows where he lives. Chuck and Debra lives together, and Charlie still keeps in touch with his mom so it wasn't really that hard to know what their address was and where they lived. He's right now sitting on the driver's seat of his van, while Meghan's on the passenger's side. He shouldn't have taken her with him. He doesn't want Meghan to see him torturing his own father in front of her. That's just so wrong.

"Charlie," Meghan said in a soft voice, gently placing her warm hand on top of his. "Are you sure you want to do this?" She asks.

"Yes, Baby. It's not what I want to do, it's what I have to do." He spats at her. A sigh left her mouth as she looks outside the window, focusing her gaze on the old house where Charlie's parents live. Stephen and Mikaela already has their own family so it was pretty obvious that they don't live there anymore. "And besides, I've been wanting to do this for a while now." He adds.

She looks at him again and inhales silently before letting out a shaky breath. "I'm really nervous.."

"Don't be. You just have to watch me."

And with that, they exit their van.


"Charlie please, let your father go." His mom said in a begging tone, eyes red and puffy from all the crying that she did just so her son will stop every inappropriate actions that he was giving his father.

"Mom, no!" He remarks, putting his fist up in the air before landing it on his father's abdomen once again. His father lets out a choked cough before looking at his son with plead in his eyes. "That deserves you right for hurting me when I was a kid, you fucker!" He said.

Meghan just stood beside him, shaking. Praying that this would all stop and Charlie changes for good. She doesn't even know why she still stays even though Charlie's an obvious wreck, but she loves him too much to care for his actions. She loves him to death to even care. She doesn't care, and she never will.


"Hello 911, what's your emergency?" A woman at the other line of the phone asks. Charlie and Meghan rushed out of the house after Charlie killed his own father in front of his mom and wife. "Ma'am? Sir? Is anyone there?" The lady asks again, waiting for someone to response.

"Yes— Please— Need.. Help." Debra, Charlie's mother, trails off. Trying so hard to speak, kind of failing because of how hard her son has choked her, leaving her breathless on the cold wooden floor next to his death husband.

"Ma'am, Ma'am please stay calm. Can you explain to me what happened?" The girl rambled.

"My husband.. Dead." She said, still looking at the horror in front of her. A pool of blood surrounding her and her husband.

"Ma'am, can you please tell me who killed your husband." The lady said, sounding like she's typing every information that Debra's giving her.

"My son.. Charlie Puth— Charles Otto Puth." She said slowly.

"Address please." She then gave the lady their address and then she told her that an ambulance and police is on its way. "Please hang on tight, Ma'am. Help is on the way."

"Thank you."


"Charlie! Charlie, slow down!" Meghan shouted at Charlie, who was driving with speed to the nearest gas station he could find, where they could hide. "Please slow down! You're gonna get us killed!"

"Meghan! Stop! If you keep on hitting my arm, you're sure gonna get us killed! I need to be serious when I'm driving, you're distracting me!" He exclaimed, focusing his eyes and gaze on the road. When he took a moment to glance at Meghan, he couldn't help but smile because she was pouting. "I love you." He said.

"I love you too." She replied, rolling her eyes while trying her best to hide her grin but sadly fails.

An upcoming truck was driving on their direction, when Meghan saw it, she screamed making Charlie lose balance on the steering wheel having them crash and fall out of the bridge where he's driving at.

Everything went black.

They never woke up again.

"Till death do us part?"

"Till death do us part."

And that was their last promise.

(A/N: FYI there's no 911 here so I basically don't know what they ask if ever there's an emergency. So yeah, I hope you guys liked this... A bit emotional, but whatever. Also, I'm really sorry if all of the one shots I wrote so far were a bit short, I'm just really really out of ideas. I wrote this just so I could update because I don't want to leave you guys hanging. But.. Yeah, I wish you guys won't mind if I will update more often here and on my other book, 'Marlie Smuts'. I will update 'Kik' soon. Soon, okay?

Bye, Lovelies xx -Rein)

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