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(A/N: WARNING! Depression, self-hurting and suicide)

Charlie's hurting. He really is. Everybody feels hurt when they see the love of their life loving someone else right? Everybody does.

He doesn't even understand why he feels this way. She's not even his. And he knows that she will never be his. All he feels right now is pain. He knows that Meghan loves Daryl and won't ever leave him. Why would she leave him anyway? Daryl's passionate and looks like he really loves Meghan with all his heart. While, Charlie is a depressed guy who suffers from anxiety. No one will ever love him and he knows it.

Tears start flowing out of his hazel eyes as he thinks about her. Meghan. She's happy, and that's all that matters. No one cares how he feels anyways. No one. Even though he's famous, he knows that some people on the internet doesn't like him. They think he just used Meghan for his song Marvin Gaye, but really, he didn't. He made the song with her that night, that night where they were drunk and accidentally kissed. He liked it of course, but maybe Meghan didn't. Meghan thought that all the things that people were saying we're true. She felt used. She thought he used her in order for him to be famous, but really, he didn't. And he wouldn't.

He raised the blade that was on his right hand and carefully slices it on his already wounded skin. Already wounded cause this isn't his first time doing this. He always do this when he's sad, when he's hurt. And he always feels good after, even though the cuts leaves scars on his arm, he always manages to cover it. Cutting makes him feel good, but if the media knew he does cut, it'll ruin his reputation. People will know he's too sensitive and not strong enough to face a problem. The media thought Charlie was a happy, cool and easy guy. But they don't know that he's really a depress and sad guy inside. He just acts cool, that's all.

His face is blank as he keeps on slicing horizontal lines on his left arm. His mind is blank. Everything hurts. Even his heart, and it's because of her. Meghan. He feels like she stabbed him straight in the heart when he found out that Meghan said yes to Daryl about being his girlfriend.

Meghan deserves better. That's why he lets Daryl be with her. He knows Meghan is in good hands, as long as she's with Daryl, it'll be alright.

But he loves her. He wants her, and only her. And it hurts to know that she doesn't feel the same way as he does.

He quickly put the blade down when he heard a loud knocking in his front door. Way to ruin the moment. He wipes his tears with a clean towel that sprawled out on the floor and also used it to cover his bloodied arm. No one has to know about this.

When he opened the door, he saw Meghan holding a present, with a smile on her face. He faked a grin and let her in. He's glad she didn't question his arm, he felt relief shot inside him. The last thing he wants is for Meghan to know that he cuts.

"What are you doing here, Meghan?" He asks.

"Did you forget? It's your birthday, you silly boy!" She exclaims handing him his gift. Of course, I forgot, I was busy crying because of you. He thought. She clearly saw Charlie's sad expression as she asked, "What's wrong? You look upset. Don't be upset on your birthday, char!"

"Sorry.. Was just thinking, that's all."

"What are you thinking about?"

"It's nothing. Just drop it." He snaps at her. This took her by surprise, but she just nods and places his gift on the coffee table. "Thank you for the gift. I appreciate it."

She smiles and hugs him. "Don't mention it." She mutters. He squirms when she accidentally hits his arm because of the hug. She pulls away and gives Charlie a worried look, "Is something wrong?"

"No." Yes, something is wrong. He said in his head.

"Umm.. Okay."

She knows that somethings up, and she began to worry, but she doesn't want to show it.

All she wanna do is help her friend.

Her friend.



"I know he's hiding something from me, Jo. I just know it." She said while walking back and fourth inside her room. Jojo sitting on her bed, just looking at Meghan.

"Maybe he doesn't want you to know. Just because he's your friend, doesn't mean you have to know everything that's going on in his life. He's not your boyfriend, Daryl is." Meghan rolled her eyes. Why does everyone needs to remind her that Daryl is her boyfriend? She knows, okay? No need to remind her everyday. It was all a mistake. A mistake that she wants to undo, but obviously can't. She knows that she loves Charlie, not Daryl.

It hits her. She loves Charlie. Ever since the first day that they met, ever since they sang Marvin Gaye together.. When they kissed at the AMAs. She loves him, and she can't deny it.

"I'm going over there again. I'll be back later." She said as she grabs her jacket.

Before Jojo could protest, Meghan's already gone.


He wants to do this. He knows he won't ever have Meghan.

His heart hurts.

All he feels is pain.

He needs her.

Only her.

But he can't have her.

He places the rope around his neck and carefully pushes the chair using his feet. He doesn't even squirm. His face had a blank expression as the rope tighten its grip on his neck. He couldn't breathe now, and it felt good. He knows this is wrong.

Slowly, his eyes starts closing... Slowly, slowly... Until it was finally shut. He left the world. He left his family. He left Meghan. And he was happy.

When Meghan knocked, no one answered. She turned the knob and it was open, so she made herself go in.

When she entered his room, the view made her feel dead inside. She was sad, mad, and hurt... She loves him, but now he's gone. Forever.

She saw a opened notebook on the floor and picks it up.

There was a note written on it.

I love you, Meghan. Forever and always. I'm sorry...

Tears keeps flowing out of her eyes, all her emotions. "I love you too, Charlie.. Forever and always."

They love each other.

But she already made a mistake.

He's gone.


(A/N: Wow.. So emotional. I cried while writing this. I don't know why I wrote this, tbh. Maybe I'm just feeling sad. I don't know.

Anyways, I hope you liked this chapter. I'm so sorry for the really really late update. My mind is just full of stupid things, but story plots ain't of them.

Bye, Lovelies xx -Rein)

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