Love me more

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Meghan's POV

It's been three months since me and Charlie started dating and to be honest, it's really not that great

He's always been really shy and awkward around me, keeps on talking to other girls and you know me, I'm super jealous..I love him but, I want him to love me more than he is doing right now

"hey babe" Charlie said while trying to give me a kiss, I stopped him and went incredibly serious
"what's wrong?"

"Charlie..we need to talk" he sat next to me and stared at me..I'm so regretting what I'm doing right now
"Charlie, why are you always like that?" I asked him..I didn't know how to start this conversation

"like what?"

"being so shy around me, talking to other girls I don't even know"

"okay..first of all, they're my bestfriends and I'm not shy to you, it's just that-I don't know what you like to talk about so I just keep my mouth shut" I glared at him and stood up, he grabbed my arm, I struggled but I can't, he's to strong. I turned to face him
"please don't go, I love you"

"well, if you really love me, love me more than this"

"okay, I about I make up for not loving you more right know?" he winked at me. He stood up and came closer. What is he gonna do? I'm so nervous. He kissed me passionately and touched my butt..I was shocked and bit his lips

"I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to-" he cut me off with another kiss

"it's okay, I like it when you're kinda horny" he said in between kisses. wait, is it being horny if someone tugs another person's hair? No right?!

He lifts me up and tossed me in the bed...I'm so nervous, I have never done this before. It's my first time

He took off his shirt and tossed it beside the bed, he crawled on top of me while giving me a seductive look..he is so horny right know

"Charlie, be gentle okay?"

"okay baby, let me do all the work" he winked at me..then the magic began

Hey guys! Sorry for not updating sooner..I hope you all like this one-shot, I'll be making an AMAs one-shot later and update this maybe, tomorrow..


Xx Bye xX

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