No Broken Hearts

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Meghan's POV

Jonas, my ex who was so obsessed with me all the time. It felt good at first but now that we're no longer together, it really is just annoying. When I broke up with him I didn't regret doing it, until now, I still don't. The only thing that I regretted doing was when I said no to Charlie when he asked me out. Charlie Puth, also a guy who's obsessed with me in a good way, not like Jonas-obsessed kinda way. Jonas is like a creepy stalker who follows me around town and asks me where I am. He's a very protective boyfriend, he tightened the leash too much, he suffocated me, which is why I didn't regret breaking up with him. I don't want to be in that kind of relationship. I don't want to be in a relationship with a guy who's very possessive.

Maybe I should give Charlie another chance. I picked my phone up from my nightstand and gave Charlie a quick text before putting my phone back to where it was before.

Meghan: Hi :) xx

I waited a few minutes for his reply. After 5 minutes or so, I hear my phone ding beside me.

Charlie: Hello!! :))

I can't help but smile at his response. He's a very happy person to my point of view. He never frowns or feel sad around people. Maybe it's because he's a very people person.

Meghan: I just want to say sorry :(

Charlie: sorry for what?

Meghan: for saying no when you asked me out, that wasn't cool. I regret doing it. I'm really sorry.

Charlie: oh! It's not a big deal. It's fine :))

Meghan: um.. I just wanna know if you're still up for that date.

Charlie: I'm sorry but i already have a girlfriend.

I feel my heart sunk. I secretly liked him when I was still in a relationship with Jonas.

Meghan: oh..

Charlie: I'm sorry.

Meghan: it's fine, I'm happy for you. :)

I'm not. I'm just being nice, you asshole.

Charlie: are you okay?

Meghan: yes. Why wouldn't I be? As long as you're happy, I'm happy too :)

Charlie: thanks. You're a great friend, Meghan.

Last time we talked you were crazy in love with me, and now that I'm crazy for you, you just leave me here begging for your attention. What the hell.

Meghan: who's the lucky girl?

Charlie: Selena.

Meghan: Selena Gomez?

Charlie: yup.

Oh fuck. This is gonna be bad. She's one of my enemies since middle school. I can't believe he would date that bitch, that bitch Selena. (A/N: I'm not trying to offend any Selena Gomez fans here, i love her music.)

Meghan: oh. Okay. Anyway, nice talking to you. I'm gonna go and get some rest. Have a nice day. See you in school :)

Charlie: thanks. You too

Oh it's on, Selena.


Charlie's POV

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