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Meghan's POV

*beep, beep, beep*

Brightness filled my eyes as soon as I opened it, the curtains was neatly tied on each side of the window and the white room was neatly organized. Soon the smell of medicine and old things filled my nose and the silent beeping of the device beside my bed was filling up the silence inside the room.

*knock! Knock!"

There was a silent knock on the door so I quickly closed my eyes, I flinched Slightly when I heard a chasing noise outside the room or maybe the room next to me. I knew I was at the hospital

"hey meghan, I wish you would wake up soon. We miss you so much" it's my mom, Kelli. I peeked slightly and my mom held my hands tightly, quietly sobbing. Did something happened? The door opened again revealing my dad. He slowly held mom's shoulder and mom crime in his arms

After 2 days..

I decided to not wake up until 2 days and everyday they will come and visit me bringing fruits and flowers, really? I'm not dead ya' know!!

I'm so hungry so I quickly rose from the bed and took an apple to the fruit basket beside the bed, I took a first bite and the door suddenly opened wide and it revealed my mom together with a boy

"meghan?" mom's eyes widened and ran beside my bed squeezing my cheeks and showered my face with kisses, so I moved away and continued to eat the apple while mom is saying so many things

"Mrs. Trainor I'll be going now, hi meghan" he said and mom turned her attention to the guy

"no! Wait Charlie!" Charlie? That name sounded familiar..

"mom? Who is he?" I asked completely puzzled and they looked shocked, I looked at the boy and he looked so familiar and I can't put it or find it in my mind

Charlie's POV

My heart dropped when meghan said who am I.. She forgot about me?

"he's your boyfriend meghan" Kelli said, meghan runned her head obviously still trying to remember who I was

Meghan's POV

Charlie? Charlie?.....

I still rubbed my head, oh god!! I remembered everything, also the time when our car got hit by a tree

"Charlie! My love!" he's eyes widened and hugged me tightly

"meghan, thank goodness you've remembered me" he said while hugging me, he pulled away and smiled

"are you okay? Do you have injuries?" I said. I looked at all of the parts of his body and noticed that there are no injuries

"I'm fine"

"thank god" he hugged me again

"I love you meghan"

"I love you too love"

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