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Meghan's POV

"oh shit!!! It Fucking hurts!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs, I'm in labor

"I know meghan, just hold on"

"I can't Charlie...okay, okay....Ahh!!!" the pain just keeps on going and it always become more painful and painful Everytime I scream

"miss please, keep calm.. The doctor will come in very soon" the nurse comforted. Why would I calm down, if she was the one in labor will she calm down?!

"okay.. Sorry" I said


"Mrs puth, you've raised a healthy baby girl" the doctor said while handing me the baby

"she is so beautiful, like her mother" Charlie said. He grabs the baby out of my arms and hugged it tightly on his torso. They look so adorable

"I know Charlie, I know"

"I'm gonna give you two some privacy" the doctor said while stepping out of the room

"we made this meghan"
"what should we name her?"


"Merlington Elizabeth"


Sorry, I really like the name "Merlington"

Also, this one shot sucks D

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