One And Only Forever pt. 3

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Charlie's POV

I'm so glad Meghan's pregnant. I mean, at first I was shocked but There's nothing I can do about it. It's already here. Whatever happens, I will not let anyone hurt our baby and Meghan. I love them both and will forever.

"Babygirl, can you grab the remote?" I ask Meghan. She nods and hands me the remote control.

So far, nothing bad is happening to her. I'm just scared because what if her water broke and I'll panic. Charlie, Stay positive. She's just 1 week pregnant. There's nothing to worry about.

Meghan looks at me and she suddenly kissed me, "Babe, why did you do that?" I asked.

"I'm just glad you're not gonna leave me because I'm pregnant." She said. I sat straight and looked her in the eyes.

"Baby, I will never do that. I love you and I will fight for you, okay?" She nods and I hug her, "I love you, Meghan"

"I love you too, Babe" We both pulled away and continued watching our movie. Meghan rested her head on my torso and scooted closer to me, I wrap my arm around her and placed my hand on her stomach.

This is so nice.


Meghan's POV

I stand up from the couch and went to the kitchen to grab a bottle of water. I open the fridge, took out a bottle of water and took a sip. I hear something out the window, I look out the window and saw a man's figure. I choked on my water and I coughed really loud. Charlie rushed inside the kitchen, "Meghan, are you okay?" He asked. I nodded my head and looked out the window again, "What's wrong?" I looked at him, very speechless.

"Th-there's... Th-there's.." I stuttered. He grips both my shoulders and shakes me a little.

"Meghan!! Tell me. There's what?" He asked.

"There's a man outside." I said. He lets go of my shoulders and looks out the window.

"There's no one here," he said. I look at him in disbelief.

"Babe, I'm not crazy!!" I said. "I literally saw a figure standing outside the window."

"Babe, you need sleep." He hugs me and kisses me on the forehead. "I'll take you upstairs," he picks me up bridal style. I squealed and kept on hitting his arm.

"Put me down!!" I said.

"No!!" He sticks his tongue out and I laughed.

We got out of the kitchen and went upstairs. He opened the door to our bedroom and he sets me down the bed carefully. He's very gentle.

He closes the door and lays beside me. "Meghan,"

"Yeah?" I turn my head to face him.

"What should be the name of our baby?" He asks, "I don't care if it's a boy or girl. As long as it's healthy."

"I don't know, babe. What do you think we should name our baby?" I asked.

"Let's call our baby Marlie. Sounds good?" He said. I smiled and gave him a peck on the lips.

"Everything sounds good for me, babe."

"I love you so much."

"I love you too, Charlie."


"Babe!!!" I hear Meghan shouted from the kitchen. I quickly walked inside the kitchen, only to find Meghan standing there with a puddle of water beneath her, "My water broke!!!" She excliamed.

Oh fuck. I don't know what i'm going to do now. Take her to the goddamn hospital, Charlie. Right. Hospital. Got it.

I picked Meghan up, bridal style and picked up my keys from the coffee table. "Charlie," Meghan whispered. "I'm scared." Her eyes began to water.

"Shh.. Baby, you'll be fine. I'll take you to the hospital okay?" She nods gently and then i stepped out of the house.

Meghan's kinda heavy to be honest but i don't care. I need to take her to the hospital, i'll just call our parents later.

I opened the car door and gently layed Meghan there. I got into the Driver's seat, put the car keys in the ignition and then drove off as fast i can.

I held Meghan's hand while i drive. I hear Meghan wincing in pain. "Charlie, it hurts so much! Agghh!!" Meghan

"We're almost there, babe. We're almost there." I said to her while brushing my thumb against her cold hand.


"Please help!!" I shouted when i got inside the hospital.

A nurse came towards me and told me to calm down. They placed Meghan on a hospital bed and rolled her inside the emergency room. I held Meghan's hand. "Sir, please wait outside!" The nurse said.

"She's my wife!! I need to be beside her!!"

"Sir, please." I quickly calmed down and sat on one of the benches near the door.

I rest my head on my hands. I hope Meghan's gonna be alright.


"Charlie," i hear a familiar voice call me. I looked up and saw my mom and dad, Meghan's parents behind them. "Honey, Where's Meghan?" My mom asked.

"She's still inside." I said.

They all sat beside me and we waited pariently for the doctor to come out and tell us the good news. Why can't i be with Meghan's side? I'm her husband, i should be allowed.

Then the doctor came out of the door, "Where's Mr. Puth?" The doctor asked, looking around. I quickly stood up. "There you are. Your wife wants to see you." He turn around and i followed him.

"Is she okay? How is she?" I asked.

"Sir, she's okay. Don't worry" i sigh in relief and then we entered the room.

I saw Meghan holding our baby. This is the most perfect view i have ever seen.

I walked towards her, she's smiling so wide. I can't help but feel butterflies inside my stomach. "Is this..?" Meghan nodded as she handed me the baby, our baby.

"It's our baby Marlie." She said with a giggle. "She's beautiful, isn't she?" I nodded. Our baby is indeed beautiful, just like her mother. I can't believe that i'm holding the baby that me and Meghan made.

I didn't realize that i was crying when i saw a drop of tear fell down Marlie's face. I brushed it off using my thumb and smiled.


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