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Charlie's POV

"hey nerd! Have you finished my homework yet? It's due Today" Brian said, Brian is one of the most popular boys here at school. She is dating Melissa, the hottest girl here but I'm inlove with my bestfriend already, I won't replace meghan with some whore like Melissa

"" is all that I could say

"what? Why?" he picks my bag and tossed it to the trash.. He pushed me to the floor, I feel myself getting dizzy and sweaty

"I-it's hard to do so many things"
It's absolutely true, I have a project on history which is due on Friday and I'm still not done yet

"give it to me later, lunch.. If not, you won't reach your house alive" ha! As if you're gonna kill me

"yes, I-I will" I'm kinda scared of him though

I noticed meghan running towards me, she helped me get up and picked my bag

"did he hurt you?" she says with a concern tone in her voice

"yes, absolutely fine. Now that you're here" she smirks and playfully punched my arms

"stop it! I'm serious!! Are you okay?"

"yes meghan! I am"

"okay, okay.. I'm just being sure" she looks at her watch
"shit! We're gonna be late! Let's go" she grabs my hands and we ran to our classroom

We reached our class and finally we were there early before the teacher walks in

"psst! Charlie" I hear meghan whispered a little loud just for me to hear
"Charlie!! Woohoo!!"

The teacher noticed and gave meghan a glare
"is there anything you would like to share to the class ms trainor?"
She said, I giggled

"Nothing Mrs Davis"

"okay, be quite"

"sorry" I looked at meghan and giggled again, I stopped giggling and stared at her green emerald eyes, oh how I wish I could stare at it forever

I didn't noticed that I was staring at her for a while now, the whole class was looking at me.. I put my head down and continued reading my textbook

This is so embarrassing


"Charlie, do you have a problem?" meghan asked while catching up to me

Yes I have a problem! It's you and you're gorgeousness!!I thought to myself
"Charlie?" meghan waves her hand in my face


"answer my question"

"no, I don't have a problem" I kept my pace fast so I can go home already

"wanna watch movies at my place?" she suggests

"uhh.. Is it okay though?"

"of course"


"great lets go" we walked to her house, her house was only two feet away from mine


"this is the life" I put my hands around meghan's shoulders and continued on watching the movie

She was clearly enjoying what I was doing.. Wait, maybe she has feelings for me too.. But I won't assume that

I wad thinking too much! My head is gonna explode any minute now, I'm ready to confess

"meghan, I need to tell you something"

"sure, what is it" she turned her body to face

"I think"

"you think what?"

"I think..I love you" her eyes got wide as I say it out loud. I know she was about to tear up, but she holds her tears in

"I love you too" I hugged her really tight..
"but we should watch the movie first" she cuddled up with me in her bed, I just kept on looking at meghan. She is so goddamn beautiful

I hear her snore a bit, I grabbed the remote and turned off the TV

I put my head on her forehead and just like that I fell asleep

Wooh!! This is the most ridiculous one shot I have ever wrote!!!!

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