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Charlie's POV

@meghan_trainor, it's really fun being Mrs. Kurzweil

I red Meghan's recent tweet and was like stabbed in the heart a million times.. I knew I shouldn't have cheated on her, it was the worst decision I have made in my whole life.. Damn you charlie!

I kept on scrolling through my news feed, I want to toss my phone so bad but I don't want to.. This phone is expensive AF

@meghan_trainor, you were amazing last night ;) @Briankurzweil

She even tweets about her sex life?! Really?! Damn this girl and her hormones.. Maybe she's just making me jealous! Yeah, maybe that's it


"honey, I'm home!" I heard meghan shout from the outside, Im in our room with Larissa

"shit! Hide!!" I said to Larissa.. Im cheating on meghan cause I don't like to stick on only her.. I have needs you know?

Larissa ran and went to the bathroom, she locked the door immediately, she hopped inside without no clothes on

I heard the knob turn, I quickly put my shirt on and acted naturally

"hey babe" she said, walking towards. She gave me a quick kiss on the lips and smiled
"wacha doin?" she asked

"nothing much, hey wanna go out and eat?"

"sure, let me just hop inside the bathroom.. I need to pee" she was about to hold the bathroom knob..

"Ahh!!" I said while holding my head
"it hurts" she quickly ran to me and held my head

"are you alright?"

"not really"

"okay let me take you to the hospital"
"but I still need to pee though, I'll be back quick" she opened the bathroom door and was surprised.. She saw Larissa without clothes

"hi" was all Larissa can say

Meghan looked at me in disbelief and slapped me hard in the face, it Fucking hurt but I deserve it for being such a Fucking idiot

"how could you this to me huh?! YOU SON OF A BITCH!!!! TELL ME!! TELL ME NOW!!" she said.. I was a bit shock, I haven't seen this side of meghan before

"I'm sorry" i said

"sorry?! That's all you can say?? Sorry?! Huh? You know what I'm sick and tired of you, I always go to work just so we can live and all you do here is cheat and slouch on the couch all day.. Am I not good enough for you charlie?!"
She said and started tearing up, a piece of my heart is broken now..
"Charlie.. I can't do this anymore!! I'm sorry, I love you but I'm done" she grabbed her car keys, purse and head straight out the door

Larissa walk up to me and rubbed my back for comfort, I slapped her hands and told her to leave

--End of flashback--

Ahh.. I fucked up everything in my life

Years passed..

I was walking downtown to get something in a store.. It's been for years since I last saw meghan, I still remember the time that I broke her apart

As I walk, I bumped on a girl and she dropped her purse

I picked it up and gave it to her

"thanks" she looked up me and I gasp



Haha!! There will be a part two of this so stay tuned

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