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Meghan's POV

That self-centered bitch think he could just leave me like this? Ha! In his Fucking face

I tossed my pillow in the door and cried.. Why would he even do that? Am I not good enough?

"meghan! Please open the door!!"
Shouted emmy, great! I'm not in the mood for social convention crap

"what do you want Emmy? Can't you see I'm busy?"

"I'm not gonna leave until you tell me what's wrong"

I got up from my bed and opened the door, she gasped. I don't care how I look like. She hugged me and made me sit in the bed, she closed the door behind her and kneeled infront of me

"meghan, tell me what's wrong. Is it about Charlie? Did you two fought?" I didn't answer for a minute cause I know that I'll be the one who's wrong in this conversation

My eyes began to water, I still didn't answer I just hugged her tight

"shh.. It's okay meghan, I'm here" she taps my back gently and rested her head in my chest

"thanks for always being there Emmy"

"no problem" both of us pulled away and smiled at each other
"tell me now meghan" I inhaled and exhaled

"he cheated on me with"

"with who?"


"hailee steinfeld? That bitch who sang 'love myself'?" I nod

"what should I do?"

"just forget about him! He's not worth your tears, be strong! Don't worry about him"

"you're right! I don't need him in my life"

"that's the spirit"

"I can't forget about him Emmy! I love him, and without me he won't be the man that he is right know. When I first met him he was a mess and now he's a total gentleman. Maybe he just used me as a sex toy! I gave him my Fucking virginity for Christ sake!!"

"what? You two did it?"

"yes, we did it after the AMAs"

"oh! That's the reason why you came home late"


"well, there's so many guys out there who you totally deserve"

"I just hope you're right"

"tell you what! How about we go and eat pizza" she suggest

"yay!" I said while clapping my hands like a five year old girl

We both went downstairs and to her car

Whoops! Cliffhanger.. Sorry! Wait for the next update

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