I Will Never Hurt You

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Meghan's POV
I sat on the corner of my room sobbing and crying. Why did Brian slapped me? Am I not good enough?? I thought to myself

Brian was knocking on my bedroom door

"meghan!! Open this door or I'll kill you!!" He shouted, all I did was talk to Charlie. That's it. Is that wrong, why is he jealous? I knew I should've just picked Charlie and not this asshole
"if you don't open this door I'll Fucking kill you" now he's threatening me?! Who is he to do that to me??

I picked my car keys, jump from my bedroom window and ran to my car
I went inside and drove with speed to Charlie's house. It's 3:00 in the morning.


I knocked on Charlie's front door and suddenly it opened.
Charlie was staring at me while rubbing his eyes

"me-meghan?? Is that you?? Why are you here??" he said while blinking over and over again, I think he thinks this is just a dream

"Brian hurted me Charlie, can I stay here for tonight?"

"yeah sure, come in"

I pushed Charlie, closed the door behind me and then hugged him tightly

"please don't leave me all alone again Charlie, don't give me back to Brian again" I said. I was starting to cry

"Shhh..Shhh..meghan it's okay, unlike Brian, I will never hurt you" Charlie said while rubbing my back for comfort

Charlie leads me to his bedroom and tucked me in bed. He layed next to me and hugged me tight like never before.

"I won't hurt you meghan, never"

After he said that, I fell asleep

Hey guys!! This one shot is not that long, and I know.BORING!!
I'll be making more tomorrow, I guess..

Xx Bye xX

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