Chapter 43

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****NOT EDITED****

Zayra kept writing more music. She began practicing more with the band. She was no longer worried that Ryan would try anything on her, ever since the day he took her to his house. She was grateful for that. She looked around the room and heard them practicing a few songs they wrote. She was happy to see them expanding as a group.

Ryan had booked a couple of more gigs that were almost a month away. The band got more invites to parties and invitations to play at gigs. Zayra worked with Angie on songs. She was a very good song writer. She had just needed direction. Once she got the hang of it, it became easy. Joshua too, he began to write songs and would have Zayra hear them out. Sometimes it was past one in the morning having a music session.Emily or Jeremy would scold them because they needed to work and they had to go to school.

At school everyone was looking forward to spring break. After that came prom season. Angie was super excited about that.

Zayra was waiting on Nico to show up and pick them up. They were going to Miguel's house to barbecue. He liked having them over. Miguel knew his sister liked Josh and Jessica liked Ryan so he was the nice brother who would invite the white guys.

"Zayra. You've been quiet lately, is everything okay?" she heard Angie, intrude her thoughts.

"Yes. I'm okay."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes Angie. I'm okay."

Angie looked at her. Ever since she returned from Roman's birthday party she had been quieter, more reserved. Her outbursts weren't as frequent. She saw her bite her tongue on some occasions where she had anticipated Zayra to go buckwild.

"Okay." she dropped the subject.

She heard the knock on the door and saw Nico entering the room.

"Hello ladies, are we ready?"

"Yeah, let me just grab my stuff." Zayra gave him a big smile.

"Ryan and Joshua here? Are they still going?"

"Yeah, I'll tell them you're here."

Zayra ran up the stairs and knocked on Josh's door. The music was bumping, his dad had recorded some of their songs and Joshua would bump it loud.

"Josh, Ryan, Nico's here. Are you guys ready?"

Ryan opened the door. "Yeah." They walked out and went downstairs.

Zayra grabbed her stuff, grabbed her phone. She saw the missed calls from Carlos and some from Roman. She didn't want to talk to neither of them. She shoved it inside her pocket shorts and headed downstairs.

She heard voices, a bit animated and noticed a girl. A very pretty girl. Her eyes widened as she recognized who it was.

"Daniella!" Zayra screeched.

"Zayra." her smile wide, she walked toward her. Arms outstretched.

Zayra hesitated but only a second before letting Daniella hug her.

"Oh my god Dani, what are you doing here?" she was happy to see her.

"I'm visiting L.A, I'll be here for about 6 days. I got here last night, I was going to call you but I decided to just show up." her smile bright.

Daniella looked around at everyone. "Oh my god. Do you have plans? I didn't even think about it. I'm sorry. We'll meet up another day." her eyes wide with concern.

"No don't worry about it. I'm glad you came." her eyes round as an idea hit her. "Do you want to go with us?"

"What, no, I can't impose on your plans." she shook her head laughing.

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