Chapter 7

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****NOT EDITED*****

Roman couldn't sleep, he was burning with anger, his chest crushing at the thought of Zayra alone with Carlos for days before he went back to school. He felt like punching someone, he decided to ride his horse instead. It was almost daylight but he didn't care. His father and godfather had tried talking to him but he was in no mood to hear anyone.

He tried calling his aunts house only to have Aida answer and tell him Zayra was busy with Carlos. He grind his teeth causing his jaw muscle to flex from the pain. He tortured himself with images of Carlos kissing Zayra.

He pulled on his horse roughly. Bitting his lip so hard that he caused blood to ooze. He knew it was his fault. He should have told her sooner. He had his chance when he had kissed her to tell her. His body vibrating from anger, fear and need as he reminisced on the kiss.

Roman was almost 21, he had had many girlfriends. He had been with many girls but none had caused him so much havoc or need from just a kiss. He groaned, upset with himself.

Zayra would be gone for 10 days and he'd would leave soon to Brazil to overlook some issues they were having on a shipment. He anticipated being gone for a week. Back in time to see Zayra.

He rode his horse until he couldn't ride anymore, then he slowly walked his horse back. Nothing helped, not exercising, not riding his horse, not even breaking things. He was determined to tell her how he felt once and for all. He couldn't let Carlos take her from him or anyone for that matter. He'd tell her he'd wait till she was old enough for them to be together. He'd wait forever for her.


Zayra was enjoying herself. She had to admit she liked Carlos attention. She didn't feel anything for him besides that of a friend, enjoying his company. From what she gathered, he liked her more than a friend. His family, Aida especially kept trying to push her to him. Leaving them alone on certain occasions, forcing her to dance with him and to sit next to him.

Carlos was funny, he would say things to her that sounded exciting to her but she couldn't reciprocate the feelings. She wondered about that. Here stood someone solid, expressing themselves, trying desperately to get her attention and reciprocate the feelings yet, nothing.

Nothing was there. She kept thinking about Roman's kiss and every time she thought about it she flushed furiously as she remembered how her body responded to his.

Is that what love felt like?

Is that what all the songs were about?

Is that how her mother felt for her father. This last thought bothered her extremely, her mood dampening as she tried to analyze this. She was afraid of falling for Roman with the knowledge that she'd eventually be weak like her mother.

Would he abuse her too?

Would he cheat on her, belittle her?

Secure in the knowledge of how she felt for him?

Carlos and Aida persisted that Roman didn't care for her. They insisted that he just wanted to have fun with her as where Carlos feeling was sincere. His parents also tried their hand in assuring her about their son's intentions.

Both Antonio and Yolanda made sure Zayra heard about some of the women Roman was known to frequent. This distressed her. How could she compete with the women that had more experience than her, she was so young.

If he was just toying with her than what was the use? Did he truly want to hurt her as they claimed? Why? Was it because she had always been helish towards him? Was it because of Carlos and his rivalry? So many unanswered questions.

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