∞ Chapter 5 ∞

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~ Kayley ~

I was nervous when I drove into the parking lot close to the spot where I had ran into Rayne Saturday. I had become used to his name over the weekend, but it was still nerve-breaking to think about meeting him again and the fact that I heard that my mother noticed a wolf-smell on me didn’t help to calm me down. I had thought about what I was going to say to him, but I my preparation wasn’t as successful as I hoped it would be. Especially how I was going to make clear he had to leave me alone after this was hard to think about. I wouldn’t let my judgment be influenced by emotions as much this time as I had Saturday, though. I wasn’t going to forget my vow for a guy who played with my emotions.

As I walked past the bicycle shed  and crossed the little circle on the ground where a compass was painted on the ground, Rayne was standing against a small tree. He started smiling as soon as he laid his eyes on me. I managed a little smile to be polite as he crossed the square and took a deep breath. God, why had I agreed to this?

“Hey,” he said.                


“Where do you want to go?”

I looked around the square and saw a half filled outdoor café. That would do, it was busy enough to feel comfortable and quiet enough to be able to talk. “There, Café Jerron.” I pointed to the café and his eyes followed my finger. He started walking in the direction of the café so I did the same.

We took a little table of the left side. Most of the tables were free there and we could use some privacy. He took a chair from the table and gestured for me to take it. I stopped walking for a second. This was exactly what I didn’t want. No polite approaches to impress me, just sit and talk so I could leave again. I walked to him anyway and sat down on the chair as he shoved it back under the table. He took a seat of his own on the other side of the table. My anxiety and annoyance made me just blurt out my thoughts.

“Listen, I came here to tell you what I know. I’m not here to have an innocent chat with you. I don’t want to be rude, but I don’t know you and honestly, I wasn’t looking for another wolf in my life, so could we please just get over it?” His face changed when I mentioned  ‘wolf’ in such a negative way; his smile vanished and the light in his eyes faded. I wasn’t sorry I said it though, it had to be clear before we started this. And there would be no exception for his sad face. I wasn’t going to let my emotions influence my vow. I had to remember that above all.

When he didn’t start I asked, “So, how did you know I knew?”

That drew back his attention. He started to give me a look, but then stopped himself. “Your expression changed from calm to terrified as soon as you saw my eyes. You were close enough to see the orange in my eyes, although it was so little any other person probably wouldn’t have noticed.” I looked down at my hands on the table and swallowed. It had been that clear? I repeated my promise in my head. I wasn’t going to let my emotions influence my vow. “After that you stumbled away and unsuccessfully worked your bike. You were trembling when you tried to push your key into the lock. How do you think what that looked like?” he said almost sarcastically, but above that his eyes were calm, and still sad.

I looked back at him. “I tried to look casual,” was all I could manage to say. He laughed, that sparkle that that been in his eyes when he was standing under the tree returning. I wasn’t going to let my emotions influence my vow.

He started again, more uncertain this time, smile vanished. “You said you had to cook for your parents. So… I was wondering…” He didn’t seem to want to finish his question, so I helped out.

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