∞ Chapter 73 ∞

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I was nervously waiting in the hallway, sitting on a chair, but unable to sit still. My senses had decreased so far that I couldn't hear the conversation on the other side of the wall, in the principal's office. This was definitely one of those moments where I wished I still had higher senses. This morning, he had called me into his office to talk about my promises of a few weeks ago and how it was going. My notes had improved, not as high as they were before, due to the whole werewolf situation, but I was gonna pass the year with them and that was good enough for me right now.

After a conversation on everything that had to do with school, he'd asked whether Rayne still showed up at school. I'd tensed, not knowing what to expect, but told him the truth; yes, Rayne appeared in my lunch breaks as often as he could and brought me to school when he had to work during the mornings.

He'd nodded slowly, considering something and then said, "I would like to have a conversation with him. Could you ask him whether he could come to see me this afternoon?"

My breath had stalked in surprize for a moment, but I composed quickly and told him I would. When I told Rayne about it during lunch, he raised his brows. We both weren't sure what to expect, but he would talk to my principal.

So, he was inside the office right now and I was edgy, waiting. The conversation seemed to take forever, but then I finally heard a chair shove backwards. I was on my feet when the door opened, my eyes wide in expectation on what had been said between those four walls. Was he forbidden to be on school property because he wasn't a student? Did my principal think he was too much of a distraction for me since my notes still weren't back to what they used to be? I had wondered about what he could want to talk to Rayne about all day and came up with nothing I liked.

Rayne slowly closed the door behind him and it took forever before he looked up at me. When he finally did, his eyes were glowing and a huge smile broke through on his face as he crossed the space between us. Before I knew what was happening, I was tight in his arms and we were spinning in a circle, my feet off the floor. "He gave me another chance, baby," he said in my ear. He put me back on the ground and held me tight, crushing my body to his. "I can't believe it, he just gave me a second chance." He pulled back and I looked up at him, having no idea what he was talking about. The light in his eyes was making a smile appear on my face as well anyway. "He asked me whether I would like to finish school," he explained, reading my curious and confused expression. "He's going to call my old school to see how far I came in high school and then he'll get me written up here for next year."

"Oh my god, Rayne. That's amazing!"

He laughed and let go of me, pacing in front of me with his hands in his hair. "I know," he said loudly, smiling bright. "I never thought I could get this chance, baby. He told me there might be some kind of arrangements I can get to get the costs covered too. It's insane. I have to go to summer school to get into the material again and to see how far I am. I was seventeen when I left, so I stopped in my junior year. But I'm going back to school in September, and if I work hard enough, it will be together with you. I mean, I'm gonna be super busy, going to school fulltime and having to work as often as possible to pay my rent and finding a way to make homework somewhere in between, but... I'm so grateful for this." He couldn't stop smiling.

He came to me again and pulled me into another hug. I grinned, kissing his cheek. "I can't believe I'm actually going to have you sit next to me next year," I murmured happily.

"That is if I make the tests, but yeah. It's gonna be super weird anyhow, being older than the others, but I'm kinda looking forward to it, is that weird? I mean, I never wanted to quit school, but I never thought about returning before either. Never thought it was a possibility for me, but I know I can handle it now. I'll miss two days each month, but that's doable. God, I can't believe this is happening." He was rambling and I loved every second of it. I knew we shared our thoughts about school and this was a major chance for him. Pulling back again, his smile slightly faded as he brought a hand to my cheek. "Our time is gonna be reduced drastically, though. I'm sorry for that. Even the summer." He chewed his lip.

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