∞ Chapter 13 ∞

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**** AN****

First, I am so sorry for the late update. Life has been insanely busy the last couple of weeks and I didn't mean to update this slow. Because I feel so bad about it, I'll try my best to update two chapters today.

For now, I hope you enjoy reading :)


~ Kayley ~ 

And I thought I finally would be able to sleep again. Ugh. Not. With my mind on last afternoon’s conversation with Rayne and my cosy – ahum – chat with my dad, sleeping was impossible. Again.

School didn’t help. I was just back to before Wednesday, when I had stared in front of me, not hearing anything around me because of the shouting inside my own head. Even Mallory had shot me a worried look today. Gwyn was becoming annoying too. I told her I would be fine, but since the skin around my eyes only looked more and more dark, she was losing her patience.

“Kay,” she said during lunch, “I know you don’t want to talk about it, but you’re turning me crazy. I can’t stand to see you in this miserable state anymore. What is wrong?” I opened my mouth, really to make up some kind of lie, when she said sternly, “No lying. I know you are making up something right now.” I shut my mouth again and sighed. She did too. “Kayley, tell me.”

“I can’t.”

She wasn’t going to give up. “Of course you can, I’m your friend,” she said softly. “And you must know, I am a very patient person when I want to know something very badly,” she warned. Mallory just came through the cafeteria doors then, coming our way. I didn’t want her to get in to this as well.

I groaned. “Fine,” I whispered, “I will tell you, but not here. Don’t say anything to Mall, ‘cause then I won’t.” Her eyes grew wider for a second, but she kept quiet and nodded.

Mallory reached our table and fell down on a seat. “Wow, did you guys just see that dude? He is like, I can’t even describe it.” She had small hearts in her eyes.

I shot Gwyn a look and we chuckled quietly. “I thought you had Richard,” I said.

“Who’s Richard?” Mallory asked.

“Unbelievable,” I said quietly, shaking my head in disbelieve. Then it occurred to me that this was the first time I actually laughed and meant it in four days. It felt good. I had forgotten how good it felt to laugh. That sudden realization made me depressive again though. I sighed.

 Mallory fell ‘in love’ with a different guy every week. It was mostly innocent and after a little chat with the guy she would find something about him she didn’t like and it would be over again. Moving on to the next dude she thought was good-looking. Worst part was that she expected me and Gwyn to know exactly which guy it was at the moment.

My last class dragged forward and when the final bell rang I practically ran out of the classroom. Gwyn caught me on my way out of school. “You were going to tell me something.”

Crap. I’d hoped I would have been fast enough go get away before I had to talk to Gwyn. “Yeah,” I mumbled and looked around, no Mallory. I pointed to my car. “Come.” In my car she immediately looked at me with curious eyes. How was I going to do this? “So, you wanted to know?” I asked slowly, trying to push the inevitable forward.

“Duh, why you are so depressed since Tuesday.”

“Right.” I looked out of the front view and my eyes narrowed. Hesitatingly I started, “I met this guy, like one and a half week ago.” I heard her gasp in surprize. “I met with him a couple of times and I started to like him,” I said slowly.

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