∞ Chapter 54 ∞

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When I came home Monday after school, there were two cars in the driveway, a black Mercedes S230 station wagon that I recognised as Reece's, the other unknown. That Reece was here made sense, but who was the owner of the other car?

Yesterday after Sam and I came home, we had rushed to get all our clothes washed and we both took a shower. I wasn't going to take any chances with my parents when it involved Rayne. Yeah, my father finally seemed to try to be nice to Rayne, mostly not very successful, but at least he was trying. Yet, that my mom had only said Gwyn's and Mallory's name as visitors before they left, was probably supposed to make something clear.

I crossed the driveway, still wondering about that other car. I already heard them before I had opened the door. Several different voices filled up the living room, some laughing, some talking, but it was clear that everyone was having a great time. After I dumped my bag in the hall, I went into the kitchen so I could peek into the living room.

The living room was filled with, well, emo girls and guys. All pushed together on the two couches, the table full with glasses. I counted them. Next to Sam and Reece, there were three other guys and two girls. Studying them, I saw that one girl wore a black skinny jeans with a black top and on top a green-pink killer panda vest. She wore black gloves with white stars that stopped halfway her fingers. Her hair was long and had different colours. On top and her bangs were purple with white and further down it slowly became black. It was extraordinary, but lovely nonetheless. The other girl wore a grey band hoody with black and red print on top of a red skinny jeans. She had black hair that was full volume on top with bangs, and thin at the ends.

One of the guys wore a green skinny jeans and a black long-sleeve shirt with the sleeves pushed up till the elbows. It had two buttons, one unbuttoned, showing his chest tattoo. On his head he wore a grey beany and a dark brown lock covered his forehead. He had black tunnels in his ears and a lip piercing. Another guy wore a blue cupcake vest and a black skinny jeans. He had long spiky black hair with bangs and wore bracelets with silver spikes around his wrists. On both sides under his bottom lip he had two piercings. The third guy wore a blue skinny jeans and red-black striped shirt. His black hair was blown forward from behind, a bit pointy at the back and his lopsided bangs were so long I could barely see his eyes. A silver ring blinked in his nose.

They were talking and taking sips from their drinks like they came here for years. Reece spotted me then and came over to the kitchen. He leaned against the counter, hands on the edge. With a smile on his face he said, "What do ya think?"

Instead of answering I asked, "Who are these people?"

Reece smiled wider. "Friends of mine. I thought it would be good for Sam to get among more people of his own kind."

I looked up at him, one brow raised. "His own kind as in?" I asked, wondering how exactly he meant that.

"Emo. Duh. I'm not sharing him," he smirked. "Anyway, I figured he would feel comfortable, knowing he is not alone. Show him that he's not the only one. That he's not weird. Shit like that. I know he feels lonely. And he seems to enjoy himself." Reece smiled satisfied.

"You know him for two days. How do you know that's how he feels?" I asked.

He gave me a look. "Every emo is lonely until they found other's like themselves. Or you have to be accepted by your normal friends or other people, then it's okay too. But that's not exactly the case with Sam, is it?"

Somehow, Reece always amazed me. With his energy, I had expected him to be too chaotic to realize the silent demons people could have, but he was very observant and considerate instead. I wanted to hug him for doing this, but I thought that might be weird, so I smiled instead. "So did he like it? He seems happy."

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