∞ Chapter 69 ∞

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A couple of days later, I was still getting used to my new life. Sitting in my English class, my ears were ringing with the sounds of my classmates breathing, their pencils scratching across their papers as they took notes, their feet shoving across the floor. Rayne had said I would grow used to the small sounds and they would disappear in time, but right now, they were turning me insane.

Gwyn and Mallory luckily hadn't noticed anything different about me and since the rest of my classmates didn't look differently at me, I figured they hadn't either. At home I had spent a lot time in my room, making homework or searching the internet for answers. Not that I found any. Most of the time I spent with Rayne, we talked about what had happened and how we could change it. Although my parents had finally given me permission to see him again, we didn't see each other a lot. Rayne was desperately trying to find a cure 24/7.

Last night had been the first night I actually had slept again. The first night after I found out, I had stared holes in my ceiling for hours, asking myself how my life would change. I feared it would, radically. Did I have to leave school like Rayne had? And leave my family? I hadn't talked to Rayne about this yet. He was so fixated on finding a cure he barely had time in his mind to think about something else.

I snapped out of my thoughts as laughter echoed around me. Apparently, someone said something funny. When the bell rang, I packed my stuff and walked out, glad the day was over. My head was in my locker when I heard him approach. Rolling my eyes, I stuck my head a little bit deeper, hoping he wouldn't interrupt me. As I feared, I was wrong.

"Hi." I had seen Liam watch me the whole class. I had ignored him, hoping he would leave me alone. You never knew what he was up to when he came over, but it was never something positive and knowing he was unpredictable, the fear that he would come too close was building in my chest.

Reluctantly, I pulled back and faced him, keeping my eyes closed the tiniest bit, but not weirdly. "What do you want?"

"Well, you're in a cheery mood again. Why is it that I always get this treatment?"

I rolled my eyes at him. "Because you always frustrate me."

"You don't even know why I came to you," he said, offended.

"I asked, you didn't answer. So, what is it?" I tapped my foot impatiently. Better to get it over with as soon as possible.

His expression turned angry. "Okay, you're really pissing me off right now. You are annoyed by me before I said a word to you. I just wanted to say 'hi'. But forget it, I'll ignore you if you like that better." He turned around and stalked away angrily.

Okay, so I deserved that one. I had to admit I was moody last days and where Liam was concerned, I never had much patience. But he had made it that way himself. It wasn't like he had acted very loveable since he found out I had a relationship with Rayne.

As I closed my locker, eager to go home, I heard a rumbling noise, then laughter coming from outside. I frowned. What were they doing? Knowing I shouldn't be able to hear whoever they were from inside the building, I shrugged and turned to the exit. Who knows what I would find. Next to that, how was I gonna explain I could hear them from over 100 feet and through a wall?

I stopped at the door when a distressed noise filled my ears. Okay, so maybe I couldn't just walk away and ignore them. I turned around the corner of the building after going outside, jogging to the spot where no one came often, except when they wanted to take their clothes off.

There were more guys laughing while I still heard someone's panicked breath. What was going on? "Yeah, now you're not that brave anymore, are you?" a deep voice said. As I came to a sudden stop just before I entered the shadows, I peeked over my shoulder. No one else was around. God, I hoped I could handle whatever I was about to throw myself into. Then I realized I was a werewolf now. I had strength, I wasn't useless anymore.

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