∞ Chapter 68 ∞

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I woke up at a cry. It took me a moment to realize I was still in Rayne's bed. Then another second to recognise the cry as one of a wolf. My eyes flew open. No.

I was out of the house and running within a minute. As the trees flew passed me, I seemed to move faster than I thought I was capable of, but I didn't care. I had to find Rayne. Somehow, when I heard that cry, I just knew it was him. I don't know how, but I just did. All I could think about what that uneasy feeling in my stomach last night, like I'd know something awful would happen. I ran faster.

As I came deeper into the woods, I slowed down. It was still before dawn, so it was dark and I had to focus on my hearing. I hadn't heard him cry out again and if I wanted to get to him, I had to figure out where he was. I strained my ears and listened intently. I heard something moving, but not close by, so I jogged through the trees towards them until I finally found them. I hid behind a tree, watching them for a second. I inhaled a relieved breath and stepped into the clearing where my mom and Rayne stood in their wolf form. Both alive.

As soon as I came into view, both wolves turned motionless. Or maybe they had been before and I just didn't notice. I wasn't sure. Rayne crouched his back paws, ears back, tail between his legs; full in defence mode. Like he could attack at any second. Mom did the same.

That was when it first occurred to me he might not recognise me. What if he didn't have access to the memories of last time he was a wolf?

He put one step towards me, staring straight into my eyes. My heartbeat accelerated.

Oh shit.

҉ Rayne ҉

A scent whirled around us; whispering through the leaves.


Me and the she-wolf became motionless; ready for attack.

I smelled her before I saw her. Then she stepped into the clearing.

My angel.

She was here. I finally found her. My posture relaxed and the tension made place for joy.

Then fear twirled around her, filling my nose as the breeze blew my way. Was she scared? I stepped toward her, causing her anxiety to sharpen. I stopped.

Why was she scared of me?

҉ Kayley ҉

While my mom was still motionless, Rayne was slowly taking steps in my direction. He crimpled, not using his right back paw. I deliberately extended my palm, hoping he recognised me, but he wasn't paying attention to my hand. He was looking into my eyes. And when I looked into his yellow ones, I didn't see anxiety or rage. They had the same light as I had seen in them the last morning before he turned.

I exhaled relieved. When I relaxed and smiled, he came to me, hopping happily on three legs as I crouched to welcome him. But before he was in my arms, my mom started moving. She looked like she was about to attack something.

Oh shit. She had never seen me as a wolf. She didn't know who I was.

Rayne must have sensed something was off, because he looked back at her. He noticed her posture fast and immediately turned away from me and positioned himself between me and my mom, baring his teeth at her. Mom's nostrils flared, clearly distrusting the situation and not liking the side Rayne had just chosen, but Rayne stayed put. He growled low under his breath, warning her.

A lump formed in my throat as I took in the situation. As a wolf, Rayne was protecting me, a human, from another wolf. Mom didn't seem happy about his trust in me, but she didn't come closer. Instead she took more distance. I wanted to call out to her to not go away too far, but I kept quiet, knowing that would only make her run even faster.

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