∞ Chapter 61 ∞

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A black hole had lured at me for days now, growing larger and larger, trying to get me to give up. To lose hope. To give up.

It was hard to keep my head above the water. I was tired of fighting and that horrible abyss was growing stronger each hour I was here while my strength was rapidly decreasing. I was afraid it wouldn't take long before I would drown.

Do not give in. He will find you.

I pressed my head against the cold wall, my eyes closed, knees pulled up, one arm tight around them, the other hand clutched around Rayne's necklace. That was the only way to keep the slightest bit warm. I felt weak, I hadn't eaten in days, and felt even weaker for feeling that way. My chest still hurt bad, but I had grown numb to it by now. Because it wasn't only my ribs that felt like they were crunched. My back and butt hurt from the hard, concrete walls and floor, my muscles from the cold and the trembling because of it.

I didn't even know how long I had been here.

David hadn't come in after that first time anymore, to my relief, only for a split second to put the food down I still refused to eat. He left me alone mostly, but what haunted me was the way he cheerfully whistled as he walked through the hall on the other side of the door. Like he loved this situation, that – my gut twisted – he probably did.

Being here, alone and completely cut off from the rest of the world, gave me time to think. Way too much time to think. Now I understood why Rayne needed the background radio. He had gone through more than two years of this. With me it was probably just a couple days, and I was already going crazy. Sometimes the silence drew me so far I just wanted to scream and tear my nails across my face.

I thought about Rayne, my parents and Sam. What were they going through right now? I knew Rayne would know I had gone to David, but my parents had no idea. I felt so stupid for thinking I had a chance against David, so horrible for what I was making my family and Rayne go through.

Footsteps on the other side of the door caught my attention. There seemed to be more than two. My heart leaped. "There is someone for you," David said.

Motionless, I waited, my eyes wide. It was silent for a few seconds, then someone sighed heavily. I was on my feet. "Rayne?" I choked out, tears welling up in my eyes. He was here. Oh god, he was finally here.

"I'll leave the two of you to talk," David said and then one pair of footsteps faded.

When he was gone, I couldn't keep it inside anymore. "Rayne, I'm so so happy you're here. I knew you would come for me. Oh god, I love you so much. These days were complete torture." Then I realized how calm David had said he would leave us alone. Like he thought we deserved privacy. That was so unlike him. Why weren't they fighting? Had Rayne talked sense into him before and had he agreed this was madness? It didn't make any sense.

"Listen. It's hard." Rayne seemed to struggle, his voice muffled through the door.

"What is? Rayne, what's going on? Why are you so calm? Open the small lid so I can see you. I want to see your face." My hands were pressed against the door, wanting to get as close to him as possible.

"I decided I can't continue this anymore and I have to listen to my nature," Rayne said.

My heart stilled. "What? What are you talking about?" He couldn't seriously mean he led David persuade him again, could he? "Rayne, don't let him brainwash you again. Remember what you've told me. Remember what we have. You don't want this. I know you don't." I was pleading, willing to beg him on my knees if that was necessary. I knew how he hated David and his view on the wolves. He wouldn't fall for David's manipulating ways again, would he?

It was quiet for a long time before he said anything and when he did, my heart crumbled to pieces. "I'm sorry, I can't do this anymore. Bye." Footsteps faded away.

My vision went blurry. I banged on the door as hard as I could, raging. "You, bastard! You promised this wouldn't happen again! Come back here!" I screamed. My fists kept slamming the door, harder and harder as he didn't respond. Meanwhile, I slid to the ground and cried, tears streaming down my face, my hands burning with the pain from the smashes I was still throwing. He left me here. He is actually going to leave me here without even looking at me.

My chest heaved as I crawled into the far-end corner of the room several minutes later. This couldn't be true. Rayne couldn't have just turned his back on me.

But he had.

The black hole was there again, larger than it had ever been, suffocating me. I couldn't do this anymore. Rayne was the only hope I had left to get out of here without anyone else knowing where I was, the only reason I could hold on, and he just showed me I meant nothing to him, he'd walked away. I was exhausted, cold and hurting. There was no escaping this hell anymore.

I let go. I stopped fighting to keep my grip on the edge, loosened my hurting fingers and let me get sucked into the cold, black abyss.

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