>>I N T R O<<

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  >March 24, 2015<
"So, how old are you two?" Kelly Prynne asked crossing her legs as she grinned at the two hybrids on the couch in front of her. "I'm s-sixteen, and Liam is-"
"I's t-thirteen!" Liam beamed holding up three fingers, "Liam no you not! He's fourteen." Louis corrected with an eye roll. "Oh, well you are both very cute." She remarked, "Thank you." Louis chirped, "What's the best part in having parents that are in a(n) extremely popular band?" Kelly questioned, "The best part is that-"
"We's go on 'twips." Liam informed grinning, Louis slammed his face in his hand, "Li hush. The best part is that we get to see them do shows. Like other hybrids don't, but we do, and that's like really cool." Louis rambled watching as Liam rose to his knees on the couch sniffing the air, "What do you like most about Zayn?" Kelly pushed, "Papa is really strong, like he can help us from the monsters." Louis replied, "Papa has 'colourin on his arms!" Liam exclaimed, "Colouring?" Kelly chuckled, Louis groaned again, "Okay, what's the best about Harry?" She resumed, Liam wrapped his arms around himself, "He give 'da 'bestest hugs!" Louis giggled, "Yah he does." Kelly nodded, "Alright, what's the best about Niall?"
"Baba 'dwesses me." Liam informed glancing at his clothes, Louis sighed again a grin coiling on his lips at his brothers response, "He does me too. But Baba always reads stories too." Liam confirmed with his gasp, "And sings songs!"
"That's all of them." Louis reminded, "No only Baba." Liam argued, "No Li, all of 'dem sing." Louis exclaimed, "No not. Only Baba." Liam returned crossing his arms with a huff. Louis mirrored the pout, both boys turning away from each other, "So, last question: Which one of you are in trouble most?" Kelly asked smiling widely as Liam instantly pointed to Louis who quickly pointed to Liam. "Both of them are trouble makers." Zayn announced entering the room having Liam wrap his arms around his waist. "But, they always keep us on our toes." Harry added scooping Louis up as Niall sat in the middle everyone posing for a picture with Kelly, "This has been the babies of the band One Direction!"  

>A G E S<
Zayn Malik: 24
Harry Styles: 23
Niall Horan: 23
Louis Tomlinson: 16 (Headpsace of a(n) 8 year old)
Liam Payne: 14 (Headspace of a(n) 4 year old)

>>Are you guys excited?! Oh my gosh, you all voted for this: Keeping Up With One Direction!! 
*Camera pans to the band One Direction sitting on a red couch with the two hybrids on their laps. Louis in on Zayn's whilst Liam is on Harry's.*
"How is having your own TV show?" *interviewer: Ellen Degeneres asked*
"It's going to be great, I'm super pumped to be able to have the fans see what our lives are like off stage. You know people don't think that we have a normal life and that it's always hetic and on tour and stage, but it's not always like that. We have our fair share of day's off where we can just spend time as a family." *Niall answered grabbing Liam's out-streched hand.*
"Well I wish you all luck, and just know, we'll all be watching." *Ellen adds with a smile before the lights go dark.*
"Yeah, everyone will be watching us." *Harry breathes still shocked it was happening.*

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