>>T W E N T Y O N E<<

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Papa's Day

Today was Zayn's day. Harry needed a break, considering yesterday, and Niall was off recording.
The day before, Harry had taken both hybrids outside to let them run around and play only to regret ever getting out of bed. It started with Louis saying new colourful words having his younger brother copy them. Only to advance to Louis saying no to every little suggestion, which wasn't the hybrids fault completely saying as though he had been going through growing pains. He was just a little extra fussy, and Liam was always up for a battle. The worst for Harry came at nap time whenever cried for two hours not taking a nap himself or letting his younger brother Liam sleep. To say the least, Harry cried himself whenever Zayn came home.

Saying that, Harry left that morning, both hybrids in high chairs in the kitchen. "Louis what do you want for breakfast, babe?" He asks continuing to  gather his stuff together, "T-toast daddy." Louis replied laid back as he watches Spongebob. Liam is playing with toy cars on the high chair tray making small sound effects. Zayn soon enters narrowing his look to Louis who whines for him, "Does that bum need another reminder on how to act?" Louis pouts at the answer shaking his head no, his bum doesn't hurt still, but it won't forget the lesson from yesterday anytime soon. Liam perks up seeing Zayn, "Pa-pa.." he gurgles puckering his lips for a kiss, "Good morning bubba. Hazz you can go, I got this." Harry nods spreading butter on Louis' toast handing it to him, "Bye boys, I love you, please be good for Papa." Kissing both hybrids, Harry leaves after telling Zayn bye.
"'Ere Daddy go?" Louis asks, "He's going to eat lunch with aunt Gemma today. You two stressed him out yesterday." Zayn replies putting dry cereal on Liam's tray taking the cars hearing him whimper, "No toys while you're eating."
"What we do too-day papa?" Louis asks, "We are going grocery shopping for Daddy, and then we are coming home to sleep! Yah!"
"Boo!" Louis returns, Liam giggles Booing as well. "Louis please don't start crap this early in the morning. Eat your food."
Once both hybrids have eaten, Zayn mixes a bottle of formula for Liam as he takes him to his room sitting him on the bed. Louis crawled on the bed too, sitting on his heels as he watches Zayn decide what to wear. "Papa?"
"What Lou?"
"What we 'wearin?"
"I don't know, bud." Zayn mumbles deciding on black skinny jeans with a random T-shirt, "Look Lee! Papa 'gots 'ings!" Louis points out on Zayn's shirtless chest, "You've seen my wings before." Zayn reminds, "I 'wike 'em. I 'ant a 'atoo!" Louis gushes, "Probably not." Zayn chuckles lifting Liam into his arms, "Awfully quiet today, bubba." He notices taking Liam to the nursery laying him on the changing table. Grabbing dark blue ripped skinny jeans he dresses him adding a white T-shirt and his timberlands. Louis wears black skinny jeans with a rip on one knee, and a blue Adidas T-shirt. "Come along you two." Zayn calls taking both boys hands as he grabs their diaper bag leading them to his truck. Buckling them in their car seats, "Baba?" Liam asks, "Baba's busy sweetheart." Zayn reminds, "No." Liam cries fussy at the moment, "Of course, as soon as we try and leave you start to cry about something." Zayn muses handing Liam snakey and putting a pacifier between his lips.
The drive was silent, Louis playing on Zayn's phone the whole time. Taking Louis' hand, Zayn carries Liam into the store getting a cart that has a sitting part for two kids. Or in Zayn's case two fussy hybrids that would love to be held the whole time. Setting Liam in one of the seats he gives a stern look, "If you wanna cry I'll give you something to cry about." He warns, Louis taking the other seat staying mute. Zayn's spankings hurt worse than anything!
Heading towards the Dairy first, he grabs milk, formula, eggs. Next are chips, cereal, "Papa?"
"Yes Lou?"
"When 'addy 'omin back?"
"When's he coming back? Whenever you two wake up from your nap." Zayn assures glancing down at Liam who sucks at his pacifier his head resting against the bar Zayn used to push. "Louis, keep Liam awake please." Zayn commands, "I no know how. He a baby papa, he need 'sweep."
"I know that Lou Lou, but he won't sleep at home if he sleeps here." Zayn inquires rubbing Liam's hair, "Wake up bubba, it's not nap time." Moving the hybrid to his hip, Zayn bounces him as he pushes the cart. Stopping to look at gummy snacks for the boys, his phone rings, "Hello?"
"Hey, they need you at the studio." Niall informs, "Ni I have both boys. Harry's at lunch."
"Bring them."
"Do you have extra clothes in your car?"
"Yes Zayn, now hurry." Niall finishes hanging up as Zayn groans rushing to check out. "You get to go see Baba, Liam." He beams strapping him in, "Don't fall asleep, or we won't go." He threatens towards Liam who nods with his eyes closed. Louis huffs kicking his legs, "I 'anna go home!"
"Sorry Lou, I have to go record."
"No fair."
"You love seeing Simon!" Zayn remarked, "No not." Louis retorts crossing his arms in the most adorable pout that has Zayn laughing.
Parking, he carries Liam in, Louis following. "Hand Baba your diaper bag please." Zayn commands giving it to Louis, "No." he answers, Zayn sighing as he snatches Louis' bicep dragging him to Niall who takes Liam. Bending Louis over his lap he wastes no time spanking him. "I've had just about enough of this crappy attitude! I don't know what has gotten into you, but it ends now. I know your ears hurt but that's no excuse. Do you understand me?!" Zayn lectures ending the spanking with a total of twenty five slaps. The hybrid nodded furiously crying, "Y-yessir." Leaving, Zayn starts to record leaving Niall to scoop Louis up. "Tell me bug, what's wrong?"
"E-ears h-hurt a-and I 'anna 'sweep, I 'ant 'addy, I-I 'ant 'uddles Baba!" Louis sobbed shocking Niall and Liam who watched wide eyed sucking on his pacifier. "Alright baby, we'll cuddle. Can Liam join us?" Louis sniffled sitting up on Niall's lap opening his arms, "I w-wanna hold 'wee-yum." The younger hybrid sat on Niall's thigh letting Louis wrap his arms around him as the three cuddled. It wasn't long before Liam passed out, Louis still wide awake, "Something wrong?" Niall asked his voice hushed, "I 'ant daddy."
"Daddy's still at lunch-"
"Daddy is right here." Harry announced catching Louis who ran into his arms, "Hello baby!" Louis giggled wrapping his legs around Harry kissing his cheeks, "I 'sowwy I's bad 'yesday."
"I forgive you. Thank you for apologizing. Did you enjoy your day with Papa?" Harry asked sitting on the couch next to Niall who kissed him in greeting, "We's went 'opping."
"Yea. 'Dats all." Louis finished looking at Zayn who entered the room cigarette in hand, "You all ready to go home?"
"Are you done?" Niall questioned, "No but I'll meet you all at home." Zayn replied, "Okay. We'll have dinner ready." Niall assured carrying Liam to his car as Harry took Louis home.
"So your day was good?" Harry asked again, "I got a 'panking."
"What did you get a spanking for?"
"Told Papa no." Louis admitted, "That's naughty. Isn't it?" Harry mumbled raising his eyebrow, "Y-yea."
Niall's car ride didn't go as smooth, Liam woke up bawling, wanting Harry too. His daddy always cured his cuddle needs whenever Zayn was in a mood. Which today he was. Pulling into the garage after Harry, Niall unbuckled him handing Liam straight to Harry who had begun to walk Louis upstairs for his nap. "What's wrong with my baby boy?" Harry cooed sitting Liam in his crib having him cry louder, "I know baby, just let me change Louis." He soothed laying Louis on the changing table putting him in a pull-up taking off his pants completely. Sitting him on the floor, "Go get your bear, it's nap time." He orders grabbing Liam who continues to cry. Shushing him, Harry takes off his shoes and pants changing his nappy kissing his cheeks till a rose colour stayed on them. Louis returned to the room grabbing Harry's leg, "Lets go tell Baba night night." He suggested leading the two downstairs where Niall sat working at his laptop, "Goodnight babe." He mumbles kissing Louis' head waving to Liam who refuses to Leave Harry's arms, "night baby." Retreating back upstairs, Harry takes Louis to their room laying him down with Liam sitting beside him, "I love you, take a good nap. Papa will be home whenever you wake up. I promise." Taking Liam again, he settles in the nursery rocking chair patting the boys backside soothingly laying his lips on his crown, "My baby boy." Liam curls further into Harry with a soft sigh. Zayn enters the house moments later peaking in the nursery waving to Harry who smiled at him mouthing, "bedroom." Zayn took the hint entering the room where Louis slept. Taking his shoes off crawling in bed next to him. Wrapping his arm around the hybrid, Zayn pulled him closer napping with his oldest baby.

*Been a while. I know. Sorry. I am currently sick, so why not update? ~Emma :)

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