>>F O R T Y S I X<<

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FORTYSIX: Exciting News

"Bubba we've already discussed this, Santa doesn't bring little brothers." Harry reminds, Louis groans shaking his head, "I's not 'askin Santa, i's 'askin you." Harry sighs at the fact that he had such a smart little hybrid, "Lovely no, no more baby brothers. Why don't you have Ashton over to play today?" Usually the boy would've jumped on the idea of having Ashton over to play, but he wanted his little brother. "What 'bout Liam?"
"Bubby can stay with me for the day, we'll have a daddy and Liam day." Harry answers bringing his phone up to see the dial screen, "No Luke?"
"It's rude to just ask Ashton to come over." Harry reminds narrowing his look, Louis groans again stomping his foot, "No! I no 'ant ash here too-day! I 'ant a new baby 'broder!"

"I would love another one, do you want a little brother Liam?" Niall asks kissing his baby's cheek, the youngest hybrid nods quickly, "I's be's a big big 'broder!" He exclaims shooting his hands towards the ceiling for emphasis. Zayn sits next to his husband on the couch cuddling with their youngest as Harry was making everyone lunch. Louis had ran off a little bit ago to fetch a drink, "He's such a daddy's boy." The baba muses figuring he had stayed in the kitchen to help Harry cook.

"Louis my answer is no, it will still be no if you throw a fit, and after I Spank you for throwing a fit." Harry growls readying his hand to strike the crying boys backside, "B-but Daddy," Louis starts his bottom lip jutted out, "Lee Lee's 'gettin big."
"That's part of growing up baby, even if you got a new baby brother he'd grow up too at some point." Louis hangs his head, "I's no be sad 'bout it 'den 'dough."
Harry sighs scooping Louis in his arms kissing his forehead, "Don't start crying bubba, you're okay." Sobs begin to tumble from Louis' lips, he's latched onto Harry much like a kola would be.
"Niall!" Harry calls knowing that Zayn was with Liam, the man appears furrowing his eyebrows, "Whats happened?"
"Lou wants a baby brother and I told him no-"
"You said no?" Harry freezes in his movements narrowing his look accusingly, "D-did You say yes?!" Niall frowns rubbing the back of his neck, "W-well uh, I didn't say no, I guess." Harry puts Louis on the ground, "Go see Papa, Louis now." When the hybrid had left, Harry crosses his arms over his chest glaring at Niall; "So you think you can choose to have another child without including me?"

"Jesus Christ Harry! No one is having a baby! Zayn and I just said that we'd be fine with having another. Liam is getting older, he still loves to cuddle but not as much and well, you know," Niall trials off shrugging at the end, Harry smacks his hand to his head, "Niall we're constantly busy, the two of them is plenty."
Zayn soon enters without either hybrid, "I don't think the two of you could be any louder!" He scolds whispering harshly, "Both boys can hear you discussing the matter like proper children. Harry I agree we're busy, but I also want another baby." The daddy groans loudly, "Am I the only one thinking logically?!"
"You're the only one being selfish!" Niall insults, Harry gasps as if he'd been stabbed, "Selfish?! What the hell Niall?! Just because I don't want another kid that makes me selfish?!"

"Dada no," Liam mumbles stepping foot on the tiled floor in the kitchen, "n-no what baby?" Harry asks softly, "You's not a f-fish." Liam giggles wrapping his arms around Harry's waist, "I'm still Dada huh?" Harry muses kneeling down in front of him, "You's is 'lays, Dada."
"I'm always Dada?" Liam nods kissing Harry's lips.
The father sighs ruffling Liam's hair, Louis hugging him as well, "Zayn call Simon," Harry starts, "I want another hybrid." Kissing his two babies head, Niall squeals pulling all three in a hug as Zayn grins dialing Simon's number.

>>So I have good news!! This was a short chapter, wanna know why?This book ends at 50 chapters

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>>So I have good news!! This was a short chapter, wanna know why?
This book ends at 50 chapters.

Who's excited? Anyone? Okay great, well if any of you all have suggestions for the third hybrid please please please let me know!! All the love, Emma :) <<

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Who's excited? Anyone? Okay great, well if any of you all have suggestions for the third hybrid please please please let me know!! All the love, Emma :) <<

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