>>F O R T Y E I G H T<<

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FORTYEIGHT: Naptime and House Picking

"Lee lay down." Niall scolds pulling on the boy's sweatpants. The hybrid whines loudly before slumping back down onto the bed with a pout. "You're awfully grumpy today."
"I's no's nap!" Liam groans kicking his legs outwardly in a fussy manner, Niall smacks his thigh raising an eyebrow, "You're about to go sleep in your crib if you don't stop that." Whilst Harry was busting his ass looking for another house to hold the growing family (though Harry made the other fathers take an oath saying three was enough) Niall stayed back with Liam.
Zayn took over Harry's usual duty and agreed to go grocery shopping, Louis begging to tag along so he didn't have to stay at the "boring" house with Baba.

Though the new baby wasn't there yet, Niall not even knowing what baby Simon had found yet (if he had found one) he was still so excited to be able to relive it again! Of course, the Baba prided himself on knowing Liam's first words were his own, "Baba", but he didn't just want Liam to be cheering his name. Niall planned on his newest baby being just as close to him, if not closer. Liam was quite possessive of Zayn. Louis shared all three of his parents, within reason. 

"Baba," Liam whines tears finally seeping from his chocolate brown eyes, his hair is tousled half of it standing up and mixing in with his ears, "What's wrong bubba?" The father asks setting the baby on his lap kissing his nose, he had laid Liam down a little over twenty minutes ago, the boy just fussy and not sleepy. 

"You 'ing to me?"

"Sure," Niall starts cradling Liam on his lap fully, rocking on the bed with him. Humming softly, Niall starts to sing peering down at his baby that lets his eyes slip closed as he stuffs his face further into Niall's chest.

"When you lay there and you're sleeping

Hear the patterns of your breathing
And I tell you things you've never heard before
Asking questions to the ceiling
Never knowing what you're thinking
I'm afraid that what we had is gone

Then I think of the start
And it echoes a spark
And I remember the magic electricity
Then I look in my heart
There's a light in the dark
Still a flicker of hope that you first gave to me
That I wanna keep
Please don't leave." 

Wiping his eyes, Harry enters the room seeing Niall tense waving his hand around to tell his husband that the hybrid was finally asleep. Placing him gently on the bed, Niall slides himself out from under him entering the hallway. Kissing Harry in greeting, the father rolls his eyes as Harry points to the salty tear rolling down his cheeks, "T-that's su-such a sad song."

"Well it's a sign of the times," Niall smirks, "We're saying goodbye to this house, goodbye to the normal just having two sons. A lot of changes." Harry nods in agreement as he bites his bottom lip, "It won't change us though, r-right?" Niall laughs at his husband's worries, "Of course it won't my love. Now, did you find a house?" Harry shrugs starting downstairs, "Well I've narrowed it down to two, I figured we could all go look at it tonight." 

"Why tonight?" Niall asks furrowing his eyebrows, Harry smirks this time, "Because tonight we'll be meeting our new baby-"

"What?! Oh my God, a-are you serious?!"

"Who's serious? About what?" Zayn asks entering the house with his arms occupied by bags of groceries. Louis rushes in front of him showing Harry and Niall his new toy he had bought, "Look, Look!-"

"Lou baby quiet down, Liam just fell asleep." Niall scolds scooping the boy into his arms kissing his temple, "B-but Baba, I's 'gotta new toy." Louis excuses shoving it in his face for the man to see. Niall frowns grabbing it with his own hand moving it away from his eyes to actually see it, "Yeah? How cool." The hybrid nods handing it to Harry once he had it back in his own hands, "I see it Bubba," Harry mumbles still trying to drop hints to Zayn. The three fathers all wanted to keep it a secret from the hybrids, they figured what better surprise than that? 

Ruffling Liam's hair as the younger hybrid pushed trucks around on the floor, Harry cleared his throat gaining Louis' attention as well, "Are we ready to go see some houses?" 

"Why's we go see a house?" Louis asks furrowing his eyebrows, his ears sticking straight up in interest, "Because we're buying a new house baby. That way all of our boys can have their own room."

"I's wanna room 'wif the baby!" Louis complains crossing his arms afterwards, "Me too! Me too!" Liam chants happily, he claps his hands for emphasis as Harry rolls his eyes groaning, "Neither of you is sharing a room with him, Louis go get Daddy your shoes, c'mere Lee." Sitting Liam on his lap Harry re-ties his tennis shoes kissing his cheek afterwards. 

Both Zayn and Niall had gone ahead to get the newest addition to the family, Simon calling and saying he'd found the perfect fit for the family. Taking his two hybrids to his SUV Harry made sure they were buckled in before taking off towards one of the new houses. 

>>Is this considered a cliffhanger?<<

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>Emma :)

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