>>T H I R T Y E I G H T<<

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Thirty Eight: I's not Lee Lee

Prompt by and Dedicated Too:  

First he had Papa all to himself, the two were playing peekaboo, a game both hybrids loved; then he took over Daddy's lap whenever Zayn left to work. And to sum it all up, when Harry went to fix lunch, Baba took Liam into his lap! The hybrid had all three fathers all to himself!
Louis? He was there, the elder hybrid kept the same glare on his face throughout his younger one being exchanged between all the fathers. Not a single one acknowledging the hybrid that had awoke from his nap.

Deciding that it wasn't fair or just, Louis knew he had do to something about it. Operation Pay Attention to Lou too!
Long name, maybe Operation Louis day!

Yea that's better.

Firstly he ran to his own room searching for that damn pacifier he knew Harry loved to slip between his lips, "Are you sure you don't need a dummy? It's okay to need one." The man always claimed how cute the hybrids were sucking one on.
Finding it under his pillow, Louis popped it in his mouth grabbing his bear Mr.Fluff, "'pway it cool." He tells the friend, if this plan was going to work it had to be full proof. That means Mr.bear had to be in on it too.
Walking downstairs, Louis wipes his eyes looking tired as he glances to Niall who's bouncing Liam on his lap playing Horse. Louis loved to play Horse.

Shaking it off, he continued to the kitchen seeing his target. His daddy was always one to cuddle. If it meant babying his oldest, Harry was always in.
Tugging on the mans shirt, Louis furrowed his eyebrows pulling harder when Harry didn't tear his look away from reading something on his phone. "What Lou?" Harry finally asks his voice sounding frustrated.
"You hold me?" Louis begs his arms raised over his head, "No, I'm busy babe. Go see what Baba's doing." Well that plan didn't work. Maybe Baba could love on Louis with Liam.

Returning to the living room he climbs on the couch next to Niall laying his head on the mans shoulder, "Hey squirt." Niall greets pecking his forehead, Louis hums in content, he knew he could always count on his Baba.
Only a look of horror struck his face as Niall pointed upstairs, "I'm trying to put Liam to sleep bud, go back and play." Liam Liam Liam, was it all about Liam?!

Dashing off the couch, Louis storms to the office not caring if he got in trouble by Zayn. He needed one of his fathers to at least hug him. He wasn't used to being ignored or not put first. Louis was born first, so it only made sense he was put first. Right?

Pushing the door open, he sees Zayn typing away on his laptop, "P-papa?"
"Yea?" Breathing a sigh of relief Louis smiled stepping further into the office going to his chair climbing on his lap. "What's wrong baby?" Zayn asks, "D-daddy and Baba o-only-" the door opens with Harry and Niall, Liam of course sobbing in their arms, "He won't go down with his Papa." Harry coos, Zayn smirks setting Louis down going to retrieve his youngest.

Louis watches with his jaw dropped and tears burning his eyes. However as sad as he was, he was mad. That was the last straw!
Seeing a lamp on the desk, Louis gives an evil smile pushing it too the floor, "Lewis!" Harry scolds, "'wat?" Louis returns, "Bud don't move there's glass," Niall orders trying to clean it up, "So? I no care." Louis sasses, "That's enough out of that mouth, you're already in trouble." Harry growls, "No I not!" Louis shrieks, the next item crashing to the ground being himself.
Punching the ground angrily, Louis is screaming the words he knows he's not supposed to say, "N-no! Hate you! Fu-ck! Fuck! Fuck!"

Handing Liam to Harry, Zayn marches over ripping Louis from the floor slapping his backside five times fast. "Save those tears, let's go." He snarls jerking Louis to the hallway, he knows he should calm down, but he's too angry. Pushing him inside his own room, "Go stand in that damn corner." Taking a seat on the bed, Zayn rubs his temple trying to soothe himself so he doesn't go overboard by either scaring Louis or hurting him.

In the corner, Louis is sobbing, his plan clearly didn't work. He feels his stomach tightening as he fears that he's angered his daddies so much that they'll never pay attention to him anymore. It'll just be Liam from now on.
They can always give Louis back, he came from an agency.
His sobs turn from fussy to fear and sadness. A sound that breaks Zayn's heart. Those weren't the cries of getting a belting.

"Bud? Come on over, let's talk." Zayn calls patting his lap. Louis shakes his head wrapping his arms around himself, "Lou, please? Papa just wants to talk." With a sigh, Louis trudges to the man lap staring up at him with wide eyes, "'w-wat?" He whispers, Zayn sits him on his lap kissing his forehead, "What's going on in that head of yours?" Louis frowns hanging his head with whimpers, "Y-you's 'g-gunna ta-take m-me back."
"Take you back? Back where?"
"A-agency." Louis admits his voice cracking near the end.

"Oh baby never! Never." Zayn repeats moving Louis' face to look at him, "You are my son. You're Daddy's and Baba's too. But you are Louis Stylin. No one else." Louis drops his look nodding, "I's not Lee Lee," he mumbles, "Of course you're not Lee Lee." Zayn returns furrowing his eyebrows, "Y-you only p-pay 'tenttion to Lee Lee." Louis confesses sniffling, Zayn gasps realizing that he indeed had ignored his baby all day.
And so had his husbands. Pushing Louis to his chest the two rock for a few minutes, "Papa's sorry baby, I didn't mean to make you feel left out." The hybrid nodded peering up at Zayn with watery eyes, "I still get 'Pankin?"
"Afraid so, just a few slaps. I'm sorry you felt left out but breaking my lamp wasn't the way to tell me." Louis nods again in understanding dropping himself over Zayn's lap.

Emerging from the room, Zayn sits Louis on the couch hearing him hiss in pain, "Sorry bubba, watch TV for a minute, I gotta go talk with daddies." Leaving him to calm down from his cries, Zayn enters the kitchen where Liam is knocked out in Harry's arms snoring lightly. "Which one of us has paid attention to Louis today?" Zayn asks his arms crossed.

Niall glances at Harry, "I thought you two played." Harry shakes his head, "No I was cooking lunch."
"I was trying to put Liam to sleep." Niall reminds, the two snapped their looks to Zayn, "A-and we interrupted with Liam." Harry realizes hanging his head, "So, here's what we're gonna do: I'm taking Liam's to my mothers and you two are going to get Louis ready to go watch the new minions Movie. Agreed?" Not waiting for a response, he grabs Liam heading out the door.
Niall sighs, "I can't believe we did that." Harry is already in tears running to envelope Louis in a snuggle, "Dada's so sorry baby!" The hybrid giggles at his over emotional Daddy. "It 'otay daddy, I 'otay." Niall too chuckles rubbing Harry's back, "Why don't we do what Papa requested?" Harry nods rising with Louis in his arms, "We're gonna go see a movie!" He gushed, the hybrid grinned, "A movie?"

"Yes baby, just you and daddies." Niall answers, "'Ere Lee Lee'goin?" 

"He's going to Nana's for the night squirt, you deserve some time with us all to yourself." Harry states, and Louis couldn't agree more. 

Zayn's idea turned out to be the best one of the year for Louis. Sitting on his Papa's lap, Harry and Niall took either sides of the man all three snuggling in the theater that played Despicable Me 3. By the time the film was over, Louis was sleepily sitting in his car seat next to Harry who scratched his ears how he liked. "'Tank you's dada, Baba, an Papa." Louis hums wiping his eyes, "We's go get Lee Lee now, 'Otay?" His tired command has the fathers chuckling, "He's sleeping at Nana's tonight sweetheart. You'll see him in the morning." Niall assures seeing his phone buzz as at the exact moment it shows Liam on the couch with the biggest grin on his face dressed in Batman Pjs, he has blocks in his hands, Yaser behind him playing along. "He seems to happy to disturb." Zayn muses driving his family home for the night.

Though his oldest could be the trouble maker sometimes, He was the best trouble maker ever, and none of the daddies would want it any other way. Laying in bed that night, he had Harry on his right side, and Niall on his left; with Louis on his chest cuddled into him sucking on his favorite pacifier. He was snoring softly, his stuffed bear clutched tightly in his arms. Even if he was oldest, he would always be his daddies baby.

>>I hope this was what you wanted! Thank you for sending in the prompt; and if anyone else has any they would like please post below in the comments for personal message me! Thank you guys! ~Emma :) 

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