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FOURTYFOUR: Grocery Store Tantrum

Dedicated to: superharry94 Thank you for such a cute prompt!

It's probably one of the best things about being a child: getting the sweet victory of picking out an item at the grocery store. 

The damn store you're forced to go in by your parents, forced to walk behind or ride in a cart; the place where you had better hope your parents don't see one of their friends or you knew you'd be spending your whole day there. The Grocery Store.

Like every other normal household in the world, the Stylin family was up early that morning. Zayn had Liam in the shower with him not really wanting to bathe with the hybrid who grew more touchy-feely every day. The last time the two shared a bath together Liam had several questions as to why his Papa was starting to look like a bear with all the hair he had. And becuase he's curious, Liam just had to try and touch his Papa's area. 

Therefore the man swore that until Liam grew out of his touch-everything phase, he wouldn't be stripping down naked in front of him unless it was a shower where he'd be held the whole time or standing.

Louis stood by Niall's side in the kitchen, the annoying cameras were recording like always, Niall just trying to have a conversation with Harry. Rubbing his ears soothingly to himself, Louis smiles when Niall strokes the furry ears as well, "What's for breakfast bub?"

"Do-nut!" Louis replies cheering when Harry agreed nonetheless. Though doughnuts were crazy unhealthy (But so fucking amazing) Harry knew he'd be taking the monsters grocery shopping which meant a run to the doughnut shop wasn't entirely such a bad idea. 

After all, it would be Niall and Harry taking the two hybrids, the less strict of the three parents. Zayn would be on a date with a woman, someone named Gigi, a model of somesort. The boys have yet to meet her which Harry's thankful for. 

When Liam's dried off, Zayn lays him on the bed kissing his stomach hearing him giggle loudly. "Such a happy baby this morning!" Dressing him in blue skinny jeans after securing him in a nappy, Zayn grins at the new shirt he'd bought for Liam knowing his baby boy would love it. Sliding on the grey sweater with a white truck on it, Liam squeals happily patting Zayn's hands, "'T-tuk! It a 'T-tuck!" Zayn chuckles nodding his head, "It is a truck bubba." Carrying him downstairs after grabbing his grey converse, he sits Liam on the ground tying his shoes. "Give me a kiss bye bubba, Papa will see you in a little bit."

"N-no go." Liam begs holding onto Zayn's arm, "I have to bubba." Louis enters tugging on Zayn's other arm, "Help me get 'd-dessed Papa."

"Alright Lou we'll go get dressed." Zayn agrees scooping his oldest baby into his arms once he sees Liam becomes distracted by his trucks. Pulling on Louis' ripped skinny blue jeans, he puts on his hightop black vans with an black adidas shirt kissing his forehead. "You look like a million dollars." 

"'Das a lot of money! You buy all 'da 'rangers 'ya want 'wif 'dat!" Louis exclaims happily, "You could totally buy a lot of rangers with that kind of money." Zayn chuckles carrying Louis back to the livingroom leaving his two hybrids to play together. A camera man saw starting to film the boys knowing most of the fans watched the show for a glimpse of the hybrids. 

Patting Niall's shoulder in greeting, Zayn pecks his cheek, "Both boys are dressed, I'm heading out. Love you both." Kissing his husbands goodbye, Harry and Niall collected the boys carrying them out to Niall's car. "I has a 'tuck!" Liam announces patting the sweater Zayn put on him, "That is a truck on your shirt." Niall confirms cooing at his baby that giggles cuddling snakie like always. 

Louis too is in a good mood as he kicks his legs back and forth singing to the songs that played on the radio. Harry went through the drive-thru at a bakery (he used to work in one) ordering the family *doughnuts* before heading to the grocery store he knew wouldn't be that busy yet. Or so he hoped.

Fortunately only a few shoppers were in the store. Sitting Liam in the baby part, Louis was made to sit in the bigger part with a bib on as he was handed his breakfast with a sippy cup of milk. Shockingly, the older hybrid didn't make much fuss and ate his breakfast happily before being allowed to walk again as long as he held Niall's or Harry's hand. 

Liam took a bit longer to finish his breakfast as he was way more interested in the ball that sat on Harry's throat and moved when he swallowed. Reaching out to hit it, Harry gags furrowing his eyebrows at his monster, "What was that for?" Liam giggles, "You's got a ball dada." Niall laughs, "He's making fun of your adam's apple." Harry huffs kissing Liam's hair, "It's a good thing you're cute." 

When all the food items had been placed in the cart, and since the hybrids behaved so well, the Parents decided it would be okay for the two to pick out a toy. Setting Louis and Liam loose on the toy isle, Harry and Niall coo as the two mumble over what to get.

When ten minutes pass, Louis returns with a new toy gun grinning widely, "'Thatta boy!" Niall cheers pecking his sons lips, Harry rolls his eyes glancing to Liam who's trying really hard to choose between which beautiful truck to get. 

"C'mon Lee Lee."

"No," the hybrid whispers knowing that word usually got him a spanking, "Why don't you get that truck baby? It's pretty." Harry suggests picking it up thinking his son would be easy and go with it, "No!" Liam repeats stomping his foot this time for added affect. 

"Don't tell me no, pick one." Harry commands crossing his arms, "T-two?" Liam asks begging with his puppy eyes, "No you don't get two, you get one." Niall inquires resembling Harry's stern look. Liam didn't like that answer. Throwing himself on the ground, he kicks and cries until Harry's lifting him up slapping his backside six times fast, "You had better dry it up before you get more. Now, it's already corner time at home, you have one last chance to pick a truck before you get nothing." Harry growls, Liam sobs shaking his head, "Two!" 

"No Liam James, you don't get to choose two. You're getting this one, lets go." Scooping the struggling Liam into his arms, Harry smacks his bum again a few times seeing him settle down to just crying.

Buckling him in his carseat, the ride back to the house was silent. Niall forcing him to sit on the naughty chair once they entered the house. Louis watched with sad eyes. Not opening up his gift until Liam's time was up and the hybrid was no longer crying. 

As both boys played, time flew until it was Liam's naptime. Giving him a warm bottle, Niall changes him to a Little brother longsleeve T-shirt with a nappy, Louis wearing a Big Brother T-shirt with a pull up as he too crawled in bed with Liam cuddling him from behind. 

When Zayn returned home he saw both his hybrids asleep in his bed, taking a picture he cooed covering them up with kisses to their head. 

"Liam threw a fit at the store today." Harry informed, "To be fair both trucks were really nice." Niall jokes seeing Harry glare, Zayn kisses both his husbands, "If him throwing a fit over a couple toys is the worst problem we had today than we're doing pretty damn great." 

**Is it DOUGHNUT or DONUT?** 

>>I hope this is what you wanted!! The prompt was so cute!!

>>If any of you have prompts please send them in! Feel free to comment them below or Message me! Thank you!! Lots of Love! ~Emma :)

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