>>F I V E<<

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F I V E : Merry Christmas Eve

"Is the birthday boy awake?" Trisha asked as she carried in the presents for Christmas and Louis' birthday. "He is, but his brother isn't." Zayn replied before retreating to get both boys. Louis laid in his own bed with headphones in watching a movie while Liam napped in his playpen. "Nana's here baby." Zayn whispered gently removing the headphones. "Nana!" Louis gushed running from the room, Zayn chuckled after him glancing at Liam before deciding to leave him to rest a little longer. Shutting the door, Zayn returned to the living room where Louis cuddled up to Trisha his innocent grin adoring the woman. "Where's Poppy?" Louis questioned, "In the kitchen enjoying the free eggnog." Yaser announced entering the room to have Louis jump up to hug him. "Maura is here!" Harry announced as Niall came into the room greeting his mother, "Hello everyone! Hi birthday boy!" She gushed kissing his hair before setting her presents down. As everyone mingled about themselves, Anne soon pulled into the driveway needing help with the tons of gifts she had brought. All grandmas had agreed that Anne would mainly shop for Christmas whilst the other two would be in charge of birthdays. "I see one baby, where's the other?" She questioned hugging Harry, "I not a baby grandma! I big boy today!" Louis corrected firmly taking his place back on Trisha's lap. "Alright then where's the only baby in the house?" Anne hummed, "Still napping. Zayn why don't you go wake him up? He'll want to see you more than anyone." Harry suggested to have Zayn nod leaving after kissing Harry's cheek.

Quietly entering the room where Liam was sleeping, Zayn smiled as the hybrid rubbed the blanket on his face. "Everyone's here baby, Louis is ready to open gifts." Zayn exclaimed softly leaning down to stroke hair from Liam's face. The hybrid whined scooting away from the touches until Zayn scooped him up against his wishes. Laying him on his changing table Zayn changed him from his joggers and pull up into boxers with jeans to match the Christmas sweater Harry had forced him in. Drying his tears that fell from the change Zayn returned him to his hip slipping a pacifier in pacing with him until Liam gave in laying his head down on Zayn's shoulder.

Zayn took the empty spot on the couch having Liam sitting quietly on his lap sucking contently on the Christmas themed pacifier he had. Everyone smiled warmly as Louis sat his gifts aside looking for his daddies permission to start opening them. "Alright bud, Daddy's cameras ready." Harry chuckled watching as how Louis didn't hesitate to start with the biggest wrapped one. "This so cool!" He exclaimed holding up the new play station 4. "Papa thought you needed one." Niall chuckled, "Love it! Look Lee! We can's play on it!" Louis gushed showing it to Liam who pouted as he scooted closer to Zayn, "Not 'possed to talk to Lee Lee when he 'akes up. Makes him cry." Louis announced with an eye roll at his babyish brother. Moving onto the next present Louis unwrapped a paint set squealing when he did, "Like you Papa!" Zayn nodded, "Yea, but you don't draw on the walls." He added narrowing his eyes at the eldest hybrid that loved to draw on anything. "I know." Louis reminded, "Why don't we draw on the walls Lee?" Zayn asked removing his pacifier gently, "T-hat's n-naughty." He whispered watching Louis with interest before Harry handed him his stuffed snake that Zayn held so Liam didn't throw it down. Louis finished his presents getting two pairs of Tom's he had wanted and the movies to Superman. As the eldest hybrid hugged his grandparents and daddies for the gifts Louis took them to his room cuddling in Niall's lap when he returned. "Well it'll be a while before the feast shall I say, so why don't we write our letters to Santa?" Harry suggested taking Liam and grabbing Louis' hand guiding them to his office whilst everyone else watched sports or helped cook.

Sitting Liam on his lap, Harry pulled up a chair for Louis who had to write himself or hell would happen. Having a death grip on the pen Louis thought about what he wanted from Santa as Harry wrote for Liam. "What do I 'ant from Santa?" Louis whined, "Do you want a new game for your PS4? Or maybe you want coal." Harry suggested chuckling when Louis glared at him, "I know! I w-ant 'anoder baby brother." Harry chocked on his spit at the remark, "w-what! L-Louis no honey, no more siblings." Louis frowned, "But Lee no play with me all the time."

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