>>S I X<<

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S I X : Christmas doesn't last forever

"Lee! Lee 'ake up!" Louis hurried shaking his younger brother from his sleep as he helped him from his crib both boys running into Zayn's room where they all slept together. Helping Liam crawl onto the bed, Louis followed jumping, "Wake up! It's Christmas! Time to open presents!" Louis cheered as Liam snuggled into Zayn giggling at his older brother. Harry held his arms out collecting Louis, "Why don't we see what Santa brought you?" He suggested rising as he took Louis by hand, Niall followed leaving Zayn to bring Liam. "Daddy he bought 'em! He 'boughted the tickets!" Louis gasped flying them around in the air, Liam grinned to running past Niall to see the remote control car he had been given. Showing it to his parents everyone cooed as he next went to check on the cookies he left out seeing as though they were all eaten, "Yah! He 'wiked 'em!"

"He loved them Lee." Niall assured leading him back to the present area for pictures. Both hybrids had their twelve gifts ready to start opening when Niall's phone died so Zayn ran to get his, "Christmas gets harder every year." Harry chuckled, "Alright then, Liam go first then Lou you'll go." Harry added as Zayn handed Liam one of his presents. The youngest hybrid tore open the gift seeing the first animated Batman movie, "Papa! W-wook!" Zayn smiled warmly rubbing Liam's hair soothingly, "I got... A-A phone? Y-You g-gots me a-a phone?" Louis whispered tears springing his eyes, Harry awed as did Niall and Zayn the daddy pulling him in a hug, "Why are you crying bubba?"

"I-I l-love it." Louis sniffled giggling at his own tears, "Liam you go." Louis ordered taking his seat on the floor again, Zayn made the mistake of handing Liam the gift he was supposed to receive last, not knowing until Liam's squealed. "N-new T-truck!" Harry sent a playful glare to Zayn all parents knowing once Liam saw a truck his attention had been lost. "Good job Papa." Niall muttered with a smile as he gently took the truck away from Liam promising it was just to open it, Louis quickly took the chance to distract Liam when he opened a football with his name is neon green letters. "We play today?"

"It's too cold today baby. Maybe tomorrow." Harry remarked pointing to a small box for Zayn to give Liam, "Lee, Liam, Liam! Open this one bubba." The hybrid glanced at his truck that stayed in Niall's care before quickly tearing the present open to see himself getting a football with his name is bright blue letters. The boys opened more gifts, both getting shirts and shoes, Liam received more toys where as Louis got games for his PS4. When the parents opened gifts Liam crawled to Niall so he could secretly play with his new Truck. "What did Papa get us?" He questioned adjusting Liam on his lap so he could open the tiny box he had given Harry and him. "A ring?" Harry questioned, "Before I leave tomorrow, I wanted to propose the idea that we all exchange rings and our vows again. I love our family, and you both more then anything. I know were married, but I just thought we all needed a refresher." Zayn replied smiling warmly at his husbands, "I agree." Niall hummed tears burning his eyes as he cuddled Liam closer. Louis giggled at his parents, they were just their own kind of weird.

"I guess seven is to early for Lee." Harry mused shuffling into the kitchen to grab a bottle, "Why do you say that?" Zayn questioned pausing from filling a kettle with water to make hot chocolate, "He's resorted to pushing his truck back and forth, his energy is gone." Harry chuckled before Liam came tumbling into the room, "Daddy?"

"Yes baby?" Harry returned pouring formula into a bottle shaking it, "Why 'dat?" Liam asked, "Why a bottle? Cause you're tired baby."

"N-no not." Liam argued wanting to stay up and play with his new toys, "Sweetheart you just take a small nap and then you can wake up and play."

"I not 'sweepy." Liam whined moving towards Zayn for protection, Harry sighed scooping Liam up against his wishes carrying him to the recliner laying him down to drink his bottle. Tears leaked from his eyes as he drank before succumbing to his sleep.

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