>>E I G H T E E N<<

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Wake up boys, we have to go somewhere." Harry called entering the bunking area, Louis slept in a bed while Liam was tucked in his playpen, "Louis, Liam, up." Harry repeated hearing Louis whine loudly showing his distaste for being woke up so early. Laying black sweatpants on his bed, Harry handed him a blue shirt as well, "Get dressed, please. Liam wake up." Harry ordered again, the younger hybrid crying for Zayn who waved Harry off storming into the bunking area, "I told you not to wake Liam up." He growled, "What do you expect Zayn?! He has to get shots too!" Harry snarled already pissed off that morning as him and Zayn had already fought. Niall usually would've came running in and took both boys, however that morning he was at a golf tournament. Grabbing Liam's clothes, Zayn took him to the living room dressing him in a plain grey T-shirt with grey sweatpants and grey jordans with mint green stripes to add colour. Pulling him to his lap, Zayn tied the shoes tightly, "Don't pull these off, yessir?" Liam sleepily nodded curling into Zayn sucking his pacifier with Snakie clutched tightly in his hand. Harry soon entered the living room, Louis going straight to Zayn as Harry packed the diaper bag. "Papa? T-tie 'dem." Louis asked softly holding his vans in the air, Zayn nodded sitting Louis on the couch next to him tying the Vans kissing his forehead.
Buckling both hybrids in their car seat, Zayn wrapped a blanket around Liam praying he'd go back to sleep. Driving off, it had been thirty minutes when Zayn finally pulled into McDonalds hoping this would make up for the shots that were promised later today. Harry had calmed slightly opening Liam's door wanting to cuddle with his baby. Lifting Liam under his armpits, Harry set him on his hip kissing his hair. With Liam's arms by his side as he slouched in the hold, Harry patted his backside carrying the boy into the restaurant as Zayn followed holding Louis' hand. Kicking his feet slightly, Liam awoke scowling at the bright light, smashing his face in Harry's chest. Ordering food for everyone, Zayn grabbed the tray bringing to the table along with a high chair. Sitting Liam down, the boy whimpered dry sobs leaving him, "You're okay baby, after this you and Lou can go play." Zayn soothed kissing his baby's cheek. Liam settled down quickly, Zayn's arm still wrapped around him as he ate the bits of pancake he was given, Harry wiping his mouth with the bib after, "Want some milk?" Zayn offered shaking Liam's sippy cup, the hybrid grabbed it downing his milk. Louis quickly ate looking at both parents with waiting eyes, "Yes you may go play now." Harry chuckled setting Liam down as well grabbing his bicep before he could run off after Louis towards the play area. "D-daddy.. 'p-pway.." Liam whined tugging at the hold, Harry pulled him closer taking his bib off, and pulling up his pants, "Daddy's gonna let you play." He assured pulling down his shirt, sending Liam off with a kiss to the cheek and pat to the backside.
Zayn glanced at Harry before returning his look to the boys, "What time are the appointments?"
"Eleven O'clock. But they have to have a full check up before they can be seen." Harry remarked, Zayn nodded his lips coiling into a smile seeing Louis helping Liam onto a platform that showed them the outside window. Scrolling through twitter, Zayn laughed at the desperate fans begging him to follow them or "fuck" them on some. Letting the hybrids play for an hour, Zayn rose walking towards the play area, "Louis? Liam? Time to go boys." He called hearing a groan in return, "Now, papa?" Louis asked holding onto the bars his ears flicking, "Yes, now." It was silent before Zayn heard his baby's giggle in the slide not a second later seeing Liam peering up at him grinning, "Hi baby." Zayn greeted hiking him to his hip, "Louis Stylin, come on bud." With a loud squeal, Louis came rushing down the slide also making grabby hands for Zayn who in a swift motion picked him up as well, "Goodness, both my boys." Harry watched with a fond smile taking Louis, leading the family to the car heading off to the doctors office.
Louis was first, something the hybrid was not okay with. Walking back with Harry and some nurse, they led Louis to a room where Harry sat him on the bed. Bryan, the doctor, soon entered smiling warmly, "Alright, to start, Louis I'm going to need your shirt off." Harry tugged it off kissing his forehead to settle him, "Does this hurt?" Bryan asked pressing down on Louis' stomach, "No."
"Good." He murmured listening to Louis' heart, "Deep breaths for me." Doing as told, Louis was fine for the time being, only it was the next test he didn't enjoy. Grabbing a wooden popsicle stick, as Louis referred to it, Bryan placed it on his tongue; the hybrid followed his first instinct and pushed Bryan away, "You have to stay still, bud." Harry commanded, Bryan trying again to have Louis pull away. Harry sighed grabbing his hands, "You're about to get a spanking, that's enough." Louis felt frustrated tears pull in his eyes, it wasn't his fault the stupid doctor wanted to choke him. Letting Bryan look at his throat without any further fights, Louis was set off the table, "We'll do the shots at the same time." Louis went wide eyed at the statement, "N-no! No s-shots! D-daddy no!" He cried, "Baby you have too." Taking him back to the waiting room, Liam stood between Zayn's legs over his knee with his arms curled around one of Zayn's. The Papa had a steady beat of patting Liam's backside soothingly as the hybrid watched Zayn on his phone. Harry entered with Louis who continued to cry, "What happened, bubba?"
"N-no sh-shot." Louis whimpered in reply to Zayn who frowned sympathetically at him, "Sorry, babe." Liam whimpered stomping his foot as he became antsy, Zayn slapped his backside a bit more harshly, "Don't start that, we'll go back in a minute." Liam groaned at the punishing slap squirming on Zayn's lap, "Bubba, stop, you're fine. You're going back there with us, right?" Harry nodded pulling Louis closer to him, "If you don't stop I'm gonna get Papa's belt and we're going to the restroom. Is that what you want?" The hybrid sniffled, his tears coating his cheeks as he turned away from Harry wanting Niall. His Baba was never harsh for no reason.
When it was Liam's turn to go see the doctor, Zayn walked held his hand taking him to the back room. Liam bounced with a giggle, his energy taking over that day as he peered up at Zayn, "Papa!"
"Liam!" He returned placing him on the bed taking off the grey shirt.
"Hello, Mr.Liam. Good to see you're gaining some weight." Bryan called entering the room, pressing down on the boys stomach, he didn't see him whine or cry out in pain. Listening to his heart everything sounded fine, "Let me check on these ears." Bryan mumbled stroking one seeing Liam flinch away with a cry, "Uh oh, seems as though someone is having growing pains." Zayn raised an eyebrow, "That explains his fussiness lately."
Holding Liam's tongue down with the wooden stick, he too fought not enjoying it. Lifting him slightly, Zayn slapped his backside three times fast, "Sit still." With tears falling from his eyes, Bryan finished, "I'll have a nurse in here momentarily."
The woman entered holding two shots, Liam noticing starting to bawl as he jumped into Zayn's arms. Harry set Louis on the counter holding him still as she pricked his arm, the boy howling in pain. Liam stayed in Zayn's arms, refusing to leave the safety of Zayn for Harry who would belt him for crying so loud. Zayn wasn't a fan of bawling either, however he understood that Liam hated needles. Taking both outside, Liam started walking again, holding Zayn's hand with a giggle, "You're so silly." He cooed kissing his hair, Louis held onto his other one, Harry trailing the family as he typed away on his phone. "I can't wait to get home." Zayn beamed buckling both boys in, "Why Papa?" Louis asked, "Because it's nap time!" The two hybrids groaned, Harry watching with a fond smile.

>This was typed on my phone. I hope there aren't any spelling errors but apologize if there are. Anyway, I was given this idea by @theqweenbee so thank you very much for the prompt and if any other readers have any then please feel free to drop them in the comments or post on my feed. Your choice. Lots of Love, ~Emma :)

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