>>T W E N T Y T H R E E<<

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"Lee Lee we no go 'till dark 'outide." Louis groaned tried of hearing his younger brother gush about going trick or treating. "'Wat we do Lou Lou?" Liam asks again climbing on Louis' lap to stare at him, "Lee I 'missin sponge bob." Louis groans a small glare at Liam, who looked completely innocent. "Fine! We's get in a costume, and we's go get candy." Louis remarked like he had fifty other times that morning. "'Wat we s-say?" Liam pushed, his hands going onto Louis' hair playing with his older brothers ears that were bigger than his. "We's say Trick-or-'tweet." Louis replied rolling his eyes with a smile towards Liam who had pet the good spot.
"Well look at how adorable you two are!" Niall beamed entering the living room, Liam turns on Louis' lap smiling at his Baba, "He not 'lettin me 'atch my cartoons!" Louis growled annoyed that his younger brother had decided to stay in his lap. Liam didn't take note of the irritated tone in Louis' voice and instead of getting down he turned so he could also face the TV, lowering his head to have to under Louis' chin, snuggling into his older brother that smelled just like Zayn. Louis often used his daddies cologne to smell more manly. Niall stepped forward to take Liam when Louis wrapped his arms around him tighter, "S-stop! H-He 'otay." Louis rushed continuing to watch SpongeBob with Liam being a great heater.
"C'mon boys! You two need a bath!" Harry called from upstairs, Louis huffing, "Nu-uh!" He calls back, "Ya-huh!" Harry returns, Liam giggles getting up, "Lee wait! You no go up 'da 'tairs alone!" Louis hurried grabbing his brothers hands, Liam grinned up at him crawling up the steps with Louis trailing behind him making sure he was safe. Harry was at the top taking pictures of Liam crawling, Cooing at the baby. Reaching the top, Harry scooped him up peppering his face with kisses. Carrying him to the bathroom, Louis rushed behind them stripping his shirt off, "Together or One at a time?" Harry asked undressing Liam, "'Wif Lou Lou!" Setting both boys in the tub, Harry sits back with a smile watching as Louis started washing Liam's stomach, "I's clean him!" He assures, Harry laughs at Liam seeing how clueless he looks. Usually his daddy is bathing him telling how cute and good he is. Soon Louis has moved on to washing himself, Harry starting to shampoo Liam's hair, the boy reaching up to grab Harry's wrist kissing it. "Thank you baby Boy."
"Dada?" Liam squeaks, "Hmm?" Harry Hums, "We's 'oin 'twick-"
"Or 'tweaking. We know." Louis huffed tired of hearing it. "Boys, it's called Trick or Treat. Not tweak or tweet, Treat. With an R."
"Daddy we know. When we go?"
"We'll get dressed and go to Uncle Simon's. He wants to see you two all dressed up." Harry replies draining the water once both boys are squeaky clean. "Go see Papa, Louis, he's going to dress you." The oldest hybrid nods running down the hall to Zayn's room, "Ah!" He hears Zayn scream, Harry smiling warmly as he carries Liam to his bedroom laying him on the bed. Taping a nappy on him securely, Harry gets out the wolf costume Liam begged for. Clapping his hands the hybrid giggles as he's dressed in the furry brown costume, Harry tying his black converse on kissing his forehead. Setting him on the ground, Harry turned to grab a comb seeing Liam dash from the room. Chasing after his baby, he's not shocked to see him going into Zayn's room where he watches with big eyes as Louis is dressed as Spider-Man. "Bubby is 'iderpman?" Liam asks curiously standing on his tiptoes to reach Zayn's arm that's zipping up the back of Louis' costume, "No be silly, Lee-yum, it's a 'custume."
"C-O-stume. There's an o there. Costume." Harry corrects smiling at both his babies that look at him like he has three heads.
Soon, both boys are buckled in the car. Niall is driving with Zayn in the passenger seat as Harry rides with Paul in another car. "What noise do wolves make Lee?" Zayn asks turning in his seat, the younger one grins at him raising his head as he let out the most adorable howl he could muster. Louis laughs at his brother with a fond eye roll, "'Dats no really how 'dey sound."
"You two go knock on the door really loud and say trick or treat!" Niall beams pointing towards Simon's door that has a silly pumpkin on it. Louis dashes over, Liam following behind with his ears flopping behind him along with a fake tail. Louis knocks, cause he's the first born, Simon opening it with a mile long grin. "Oh my goodness! You two are adorable!" The three fathers follow them in, getting pictures of Simon holding both of them with a thumbs up, "They love their uncle Si!" Harry posts on Instagram.
It isn't long before both hybrids are with orange buckets going around to others houses knocking on doors saying "'twick or 'tweat." However Halloween proves not to be so fun as Liam is holding Louis' hand whenever he sees Michael Myers's from that scary movie his daddies said he and Louis couldn't ever watch! It was Off Limits. Screaming, Liam ran back to Zayn crying on his shoulder, "Hey, look bubba, it's okay-" before he could finish his soothing, Louis too is freaking out as three clowns step out. As much as Harry doesn't want to admit it, he's dying on the inside seeing the painted faces with face smiles. Scooping Louis up, he rushes the family to another neighborhood.
Settling down from the frightful costumes, Liam is sitting on Zayn's hip sleep weighing heavily on him, Niall carrying his pumpkin and hat. Harry holds Louis' mask and hand. "Are you two ready to go home?" Niall asks, Louis furiously shaking his head, "No! No Baba. We not done." Letting he eldest hybrid run house to house, he makes it through seven; Liam now asleep.
"Why hello. What are you?"
"I'm Spider-Man!" Louis beams, the woman cooed, "Is that little one asleep?" Zayn nodded rubbing Liam's back, "To much excitement for one night. Thank you." He remarks leading Louis away towards the car, "One more stop, than we'll go home." He assures buckling Liam in before Louis.
Both are asleep, Louis letting out little snores, Liam sucking on his thumb with a tint of rose on his cheeks. Opening the door, the car lights come on waking both hybrids who whine. "None of that! We came to see someone very important." Niall inquires grabbing Louis, Harry taking Liam into his arms. Zayn leads them in, pushing the buttons for the elevator. Rubbing Liam's back, the hybrid cries out going to him, "Papa.." he sniffles, "I know you're sleepy baby, but look. Where are we?" Zayn tries bouncing him lightly, Liam huffs as the elevator stops opening the metal doors. Stepping into the hallway, he lifts his head gasping, "M-Mumma! Mommy!" Kicking his legs he's placed on the ground to run to his mommies door hitting it lightly with his balled up fist. Louis hurries next to him, both tackling their mothers in hugs as they coo at their dressed up babies.
Sitting on the couch with Eleanor and Sophia, Liam passed out on Sophia, Louis sprawled out on Harry and Eleanor, Zayn asleep between the two women his head leaned back, Liam's hand in his own; Niall's nodding off as well next to Harry on the end of the couch. "I do love sleepovers." Eleanor whispers kissing Louis' head, "Me too." Harry weakly agrees, "Halloween is the best." Sophia squeaks from her spot squeezing Liam tighter. Paul chuckles from his spot with one of the girls body guards; grabbing his phone he takes a picture of the couch filled with everyone posting it on twitter: "Happy Halloween :p"

>>Omg this was adorable! I really really really want Liam in a cute wolf costume with fake little ears and his cute grin and OMG UGH! So freaking cute!

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