>>T W E L V E<<

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T W E L V E: Throwing fits

Niall closed his eyes for the moment, attempting to calm himself before he snapped. Louis continued to tug at his shirt begging for attention as Liam bawled in his playpen. Zayn was sick in his bed, Harry had left to get him medicine. "Louis not now, okay? Please go play. Liam that's enough! Lay down and take a nap!" He snarled clenching his fists as Harry strolled in through the front door. Louis ran to the man tears now running down his cheeks, "What happened?" He soothed, "Liam won't nap and Louis refuses to go play." Niall informed pouring soup into a bowl for Zayn. "Did you get the pills?"

"I did, take them up to him. I'll handle these monsters." Harry soothed scooping Louis in his arms as he swayed with him. "Baby calm down. The concert is later tonight." He reminded hoping that would calm him. "W-Will Nene be 'ere?" Louis sniffled, "Yes Nene will be there. You and Liam won't be on stage for the whole thing tonight."

"W-why daddy?" Louis complained crossing his arms with a pout already taking over, "Because Liam is too young and you've been grumpy recently." Harry replied sitting Louis in the swing he hated with passion. "N-no! No! Daddy 'pwease! No!" Louis howled fighting at the straps, Harry put in a pacifier, pulling his stern face which usually would've shut Liam or Louis up quick. Louis however ignored it resuming to produce heart wrenching sobs that awoke Liam who had finally slipped into sleep. Lifting Liam by his armpits Harry set him on his hip kissing his forehead, "You have no reason to cry. Bubby's just grumpy. Go back to sleep baby boy." Harry soothed laying Liam back down ignoring his fussy cries. Niall returned downstairs seeing Louis throwing his fit whilst Liam laid on his stomach crying into his bears stomach. "Gee thanks Harry, you really are no help at all." Niall growled retrieving Louis from the swing as he grabbed Liam as well. "I think fresh air will do both my babies well." Niall muttered taking them to the back room of the tour bus where he opened the window. In the room had a TV with a L shaped couch and toys scattered around the room. It was their version of a tiny, mobile, living room. Sitting with both boys cuddled into him, Louis quickly stripped off his shirt letting the cool breeze lull him to sleep as Liam fought slumber on Niall's lap. "Go to sleep Lee. Baba's gotcha." Patting his stomach, Niall slid a pacifier in Liam's mouth having him lean back on him. Both hybrids fell asleep rather quickly pleasing Niall as he untangled himself from their grasp readying himself for the concert.

Zayn held his stomach groaning, he was dying. Not literally but it felt close enough to death. Brushing off the nausea, Zayn stumbled out to help his husbands with the two antsy hybrids. "W-where are they?"

"Both asleep, so be quiet. How are you feeling?" Niall questioned, "Terrible. Are they dressed?"

"Nope, Louis is pissed at Harry so I'll dress him and Liam will want you to dress him." He added seeing Zayn nod. "I figured." The two parents sprung into action, Zayn gently carrying Liam into the main room while Niall rummaged through bags finding something suitable for Louis to wear. Niall sat on the chair standing Louis between his legs hearing the hybrid cry from being woke up. "Shhh, you're okay." Niall soothed rubbing his stomach gently, although to his dismay Zayn wasn't having any better luck. Even with Harry's help Liam bawled in his hands as Zayn fastened his jeans together. Ripping his hands down from his face, Zayn slipped the white T-shirt on him pulling Liam closer to him, "Liam hush baby... Shhh.. Go make him a bottle." Zayn ordered to Harry, "Make that two." Niall added seeing Louis still crying himself as Niall unfolded the blue adidas Jersey he would be wearing. When Harry returned he handed bibs to both daddies, handing them bottles as well. "You can have yours when you stop crying." Zayn remarked to Liam, the hybrid huffed between tears throwing himself to the floor in a full on tantrum. Louis turned from Niall wanting to run into Zayn's arms, "P-Papa! Papa.. 'Wouis 'ant 'oo." He lisped crumpling in Niall's arms that wrapped around his waist. Zayn sighed snatching Liam up from the floor, "If you don't stop on the count of three you're going in Time out." He growled send two swats to his backside, "Louis you're next. Dry it up and let Baba dress you. I've had enough crying from the both of you." With Zayn's threat in mind Louis stayed mute letting Niall dress him; he wore black skinny jeans with the blue Jersey, "Go get your black Vans." Niall ordered, Louis complied setting them at the man's feet as he sat himself in the floor letting Niall tie them for him. Liam didn't stop crying, but the sobs died down quicker then they would have without the threat. Putting the blue plaid shirt over the white one Zayn sat the hybrid on his lap pushing the bottle between his lips. The forced action instantly soothed Liam's tears as he sighed deeply letting his eyes slip shut. Louis sat on Niall's lap willingly drinking the bottle as he laid back on the man feeling himself fall asleep again.

"Hey Marua." Harry greeted hugging Niall's mother, Marua returned the gesture smiling when two hybrids came running into the room heading straight for her. "Hi sweet pea." She cooed, lifting Louis to her hip, Harry picked Liam up kissing his forehead. "Why don't we go entertain the crowd? With you out there, they might laugh at my jokes." Harry mused checking Liam's ear equipment before strolling on stage putting Liam down. The fans had just begun piling in each one screaming when they saw the adorable hybrid who grinned innocently at them holding the hat he found already thrown on the black stage. Harry waved grabbing a microphone, "Hey guys! The names Harry, this is Liam. We just thought we'd come say hi. C'mon Lee." Harry called stepping off stage, the hybrid clutched his daddy's hand as Harry led them through the front row where girls cried at the thought of Harry Styles touching their hand. One girl in particular cleared her throat kneeling down for Liam to give her a hug. "go say hi buddy." Harry encouraged. The girl was a huge fan. She had been to several meet and greets, her name was Leslie, she was a tiny bit strange...But with three amazingly hot men ruling her life who wouldn't be a little insane? Liam did as told letting the girl engulf him in a hug, when Liam pushed away from her he ran back into Harry's arms. Resting him on his hip, Harry grinned charmingly at the fans, "Thank you for coming, we hope you enjoy the show." Turning on his heel, Liam waved from the safety of Harry's hip before he was set down again. Walking with him, Liam whined tugging at Harry's shirt, "Daddy u-up! 'Ant up!" Liam called, "Be quiet. If you start crying you'll get a spanking in front of everyone." Harry snarled dragging Liam onto the stage again seeing the stadium almost full. "Both boys are staying back here for the first few songs. Louis I'm not asking I'm telling. Love you both, c'mon Zayn, Niall." Harry commanded having his husbands kiss each other before running on stage hearing the crowd roar their names. Marua patted the seat on the couch next to her for Liam who crawled onto it. "Louis settle down baby." She coaxed handing both hybrids a stuffed animal from their diaper bag. Giggling, Louis climbed to sit on the couch by Liam, making the animal kiss his cheek Liam squealed doing the same to Louis. The brothers played nicely with each other before Niall ran back, "Louis come here, their begging for you baby. Liam do you want to come?" The youngest shook his head moving to Marua's lap. Louis gasped hurrying on stage waving to the crowd, "Is everyone happy now?" Zayn questioned, "No? Where's Lee? I believe they requested both hybrids." Zayn added laughing with the crowd, "Liam! I have Juice!" Harry screamed into the microphone winking at the crowd; Slowly another hybrid crept onto stage a pacifier in his mouth a green snake clutched tightly in his fist as it dragged behind him. Hearing the coo from the crowd Harry brought a sippy cup of apple juice out from behind his back seeing Liam smile reaching for it, "You have to say hi first." Harry demanded pointing to the audience as he lowered the microphone, "H-hi's." Liam gushed latching on Harry's leg when he was finished. Giggling, Liam happily drank his juice watching the concert from the floor, his body wrapped around Harry's leg until Harry sat him on the stairs cuddling with him as Niall sang his solo in Night Changes. "My baby boy."

"M-My's 'addy." Liam gurgled puckering his lips for a kiss. Harry smiled warmly pulling Louis on his lap kissing both of his boys.

>E M M A< 

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