>>S I X T E E N<<

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S I X T E E N: Snakie is MIA

Harry shushed the cries Louis produced that morning, the time only being 3 AM. The family was once again on the tour bus which neither of the boys truly enjoyed. Swaying gently, Harry hummed whilst bouncing Louis slightly. "I know you're sleepy, might as well give in, baby." He soothed kissing Louis' forehead as the hybrid cried from the bad dream he had along with fussiness. It wasn't until Harry began falling asleep himself while standing up, (From lack of sleep himself), that Louis quit crying completely resting against Harry's shoulder. Placing Louis in his own bunk, Harry picked up the first stuffed animal he could find on the floor, kissing Louis' cheek. Returning to his bed, Harry laid on Zayn's chest evening his breathing before passing out himself.

"Hi daddy!" Zayn gushed, Liam sat on his lap tears in his eyes as he suckled on his pacifier. "We are extra grumpy this morning!" He added as Harry opened his arms taking Liam, "why are we so upset?" Liam only bawled on Harry's shoulder, "Someone woke up without Snakie." Zayn mumbled rubbing Liam's back soothingly, "I'm sure we can find it, bubba, calm down. How about some breakfast?" Zayn suggested taking Liam to the small kitchen placing him in a highchair resulting in the boy fully breaking down throwing anything he saw in sight. That being his pacifier and plastic fork he had on his tray. Niall entered ducking from the fork, "No sir, we don't throw things." He chided lifting Louis to his hip sitting him in the other high chair next to Liam. "I-I a-a Big boy!" Louis whined, "Sit there for right now bud, okay? Just until I make you breakfast." Niall commanded settling Louis with his look. "Papa get Lee a dummy! He 'cryin too loud!" Louis called, Zayn turning from the microwave frowning, "We're just missing Snakie this morning. Liam here baby, calm down." Popping in Liam's favorite Batman pacifier, the hybrid sucked harshly on it attempting to soothe himself.

Zayn grabbed the bottle from the microwave scooping Liam back up trading the pacifier for the nipple of the bottle. Kissing his forehead, Zayn rocked with the boy in his arms. "Such a good boy." Liam peered up at him for a minute longer, closing his eyes, entering slumber. Zayn sighed in relief, carrying him to his playpen tucking him in. "Alright we have at least an hour to find snakie." Zayn announced to Niall and Harry, Louis being entertained by his cereal and cartoons.

Upon tearing through the whole bus, Zayn felt like crying when the toy was nowhere to be found. That and the fact that Simon needed Harry to go on a date with Taylor. This time bringing Liam only. "Maybe fresh air will do him good." Harry tired all the adults sighing, "Whatever, I'm getting him in the bath, you all try to find that damn snake." He ordered carrying Liam to the bath sitting him in it, "Toys?" Liam slurred, the pacifier he had in falling out into the water, "No baby it's a super quick bath! The baths that superheros take!" Harry beamed, Liam taking the bait as he sat in the water having his body washed along with his hair shampooed. Scooping him in a towel, Harry carried him to the back area laying Liam on the bed grabbing a pull up. Taping it around his waist securely, Harry put him in light washed jeans with his favorite Batman shirt. Grabbing the batman pacifier, Harry held it in his hand that supported Liam's backside, his other hand carrying the towels and hairbrush. Louis scooted over on the couch watching curiously as Harry sat Liam on his lap coming through his hair, "Daddy I brush?" Louis asked, "Sure baby, you comb Liam's hair gently while I get his shoes." Harry replied smiling softly at his oldest son. Louis had wanted to help out a lot these past few days.

>Three Days Ago, 2:00 PM Sound Check before a concert<

"Baba can I feed Lee Lee?" Louis asked, Niall on the couch spooning the mashed carrots into Liam's mouth knowing his baby needed the nutrition and also that he had been feeling ill again. "Sure, I think he'd like that. Little bites Lou, you don't want him getting chocked." Niall reminded, Louis giggled as he fed Liam, the younger one innocently peering up at Louis who held the spoon out. Liam tried to get it all in his mouth, causing some to ooze onto his cheeks, Niall chuckled lightly wiping it with the bib he had tied around his neck. "That is why we wear bibs, isn't it baby boy?" Liam smiled softly opening his mouth again wanting more, Louis continued feeding his youngest brother until it was all gone. Grabbing a wipe, Louis cleaned Liam's face kissing all over it when done, "C'mon Lee, we go 'pway now."

>Real Time, 5:47 PM Time to leave for the Haylor date<

With the snake still gone, the three parents grew frantic. Liam wouldn't ever make it a full day without his beloved friend. Louis who was still watching Liam smiled rubbing his brothers back, the oldest has been good all morning! He deserved another reward. Then again it wasn't really Liam's fault he was so grumpy. Snakie was his favorite toy after all. The bus had gone quiet when Harry was rushing himself to get ready throwing Niall Liam's shoes, shuffling his on himself. "Where the fuck is snakie?!" He snarled scaring both hybrids, Liam whimpered tears already rolling down his cheeks as he remembered his soft friend that wasn't in his grip like usual. Harry groaned sitting Liam on his hip, "Tell them bye baby, we have to go." the hybrid whined, "'ere S-snakie?"

"I don't know baby, we'll find him whenever we get home." Harry mumbled walking outside to his car buckling Liam in the car seat. Heading to the restaraunt, Harry glanced in the rearview mirror stopping at a red light seeing Liam crying in his hands, "Baby you're okay, tonight's going to be fun! I promise. Shhh, daddy's right here." Harry Sosoothed resuming to drive to their destination. Parking, Harry opened Liam's door putting in his batman pacifier, "Look! It's Oscar!" Handing Liam the octopus one of the hybrids had left in the car he gave a look of hope as Liam took it in his hands calming down slightly. Carrying him inside, Harry spotted Taylor who had a high chair waiting along with a kids menu. "hi baby!" She gushed kissing Liam's cheeks, the hybrid not reacting badly which Harry thanked God for. The meal hadn't been served when Harry handed Liam a sippy cup of water, taking his pacifier. "Who's this?" Taylor asked holding up the Octopus, "'o-oscuw." Liam mumbled snapping his attention to the five fans who shrieked, Harry smiled charmingly at them his hand going to Liam's back to reassure him, "Can we video this?" One asked starting her camera up, "Of course dear, Hi I'm Harry Styles, it was a pleasure meeting you." Taylor grinned waving at the camera as well, "Who's the little one with you?" Another girl asked, "This is Li-" Harry started, Liam cutting him off, "I am b-batman." The girls squealed with excitement, Harry rolled his eyes with a chuckle, "It's his and Zayn's favorite superhero. He loves to play Batman." Liam giggled raising his shirt up to show the girls, "Baby we see, put your shirt down to cover your belly." Taylor cooed tickling the skin that showed, Liam flinched tears springing his eyes, "I apologize, he's very fussy today." Harry said for the sake of the cameras. Rising, he took Liam to the bathrooms, the hybrid crying the whole way. Harry knew one way to cure a fussy Liam, it took a spanking, and then some swaying. Bending Liam over his arm, Harry wasted no time delivering twenty hard swats, Harry stopped standing Liam back to full height grabbing his jaw, "We do not throw fits. You've been grumpy all day.Do you understand why Daddy spanked you?" Liam nodded wiping his eyes peering up at Harry waiting his next move. The father collected Liam in his arms kissing his temple, "I love you."

"L-love you too daddy." Liam whimpered moe tears falling due to fussiness. Patting his backside soothingly, Harry carried Liam back out to the table, "I believe they have enough pictures. Liam isn't feeling well so we're gonna head home." Taylor rolled her eyes, "whatever. Have a great night with your husbands."

"I intend too." Harry replied rushing out to his car.

"C'mon Louis, we'll go lay down." Zayn called seeing his oldest baby a little down. As much as Liam annoyed Louis at times, the older boy adored having a younger brother. Louis shot up running to his bed grabbing his Superman blanket. Both hybrids received a blanket when adopted, Louis' was Superman and Liam's was Batman. Pulling the blanket off his bed, Louis glanced to the door of the bus opening, Harry walking in with Liam in front carrying Oscar. About to head to Zayn's bed for the promised cuddle, Louis' foot kicked something. Harry smiled pushing Liam further into the bunking area to change the boy into sweatpants when a three gasps filled the room, "'SAKIE! 'SAKIE!" Liam cried with joy snatching the toy into his arms cuddling it, Louis furrowed his eyebrows at how it had gotten into his bed, "I must've handed you Snakie whenever I put you back to bed." Harry remarked thanking every higher than earth power that the snake had been found. Louis shrugged continuing to Zayn's bed crawling onto it kissing his cheek, "My Lou."
"My Papa." Louis returned having Zayn play with his ears, "'Sakie!" Liam yelled running into the room bouncing on the bed, "F-Found 'sakie!" Harry ran in after him laughing, "Someone's a little happy that he found his snake." Taking off Liam's jeans, Harry pulled on sweatpants patting Liam's backside, "Let's let Papa and Louis enjoy their cuddle. We'll go bother Baba." Harry mused kissing his husband and older baby.


>E M M A<
> PS: If you're actually reading this than comment how ADORABLE this prompt was!! Came from my mind truly, I adore baby Liam. He's just soo cute!!! It should be illegal to be this cute.  

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