>>T H R E E<<

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T H R E E : Fun in the Sun

"Let me put on sunblock!" Niall called to Louis who ran straight for the shallow pool the yacht provided. Liam had stayed put knowing all to well that another mess up and his bum was about to meet belt. His fit this morning causing Harry to remind of him that. Louis trudged back complaining as Niall slathered him in sunscreen, before sending him to the pool with a pat to the backside, "You're next baby." Niall sang starting at his arms before going to his stomach where he blew a raspberry getting Liam to giggle quietly, "There's our happy boy." Finishing, Niall slid on his floaties, "Alright baby, you're good to go." Liam gave a small nod heading towards the pool, "Daddy?" Liam whimpered seeing Harry talking to Paul about something, "Yes baby?" Harry didn't give Liam the chance to respond before just setting him on his hip, resuming to listen to Paul. "After the concert tomorrow, we'll have a signing and then we'll load the bus." Harry nodded, "Okay, sounds good. Ready to go swimming?" He cooed to Liam who still looked hurt by this morning threat. Ignoring it, Harry carried Liam to the pool sitting him in it having the boy cry out at the coldness, "It's okay baby. Look there's Papa!" Harry encouraged seeing Zayn playing with Louis, "P-apa." Liam sniffled waddling over in the water, "Hey bubba." Zayn greeted wrapping an arm around Liam having the hybrid snuggle into him. As Niall tanned with Harry, Zayn stayed in the shallow water playing with both boys who continued to giggle and squeal the whole time. "Papa I 'hasta pee." Louis whined holding his area, "Harry? Louis has to pee." Zayn called directing him out of the water, Liam stayed sitting down his grin remaining on his face as he chewed on a pool toy they had given him.

When Louis returned to the pool Zayn was in the process of drying himself and Liam off. "No more swim?" Louis asked hoping the answer was yes, "Yeah, it's lunch time." Zayn reminded handing Niall a towel to dry Louis off with. Setting Liam's sandwich down in front of him Zayn cut it in triangles kissing his damp hair, "I love you."

" 'wove you t-too." Liam hummed puckering his lips for a real kiss, Zayn gave leaning over to cut Louis' sandwich too. "I no need it cut. I's big boy. Liam just a baby." Louis remarked straitening his posture, "What did we say about calling him a baby?" Niall asked sternly, "You call us both baby!" Louis argued, "Don't call him a baby again. Yessir?" Louis huffed, "Yessir." Liam watched curiously at his brother fighting with his parents, It happened a lot, Zayn says he "sassy".

After lunch Harry received a phone call lounging on the sofa by the edge of the boat, Louis crawled over laying with him as he watched the water. Liam entertained himself with blocks as the hybrids waited the thirty minutes before they were allowed back in the water. Zayn and Niall had slipped away to make quick love somewhere on the boat as Harry watched the kids.

"I know mom. They miss you too." He mumbled reaching a hand out to rub Liam's damp hair, "I don't know, were going on tour Tomorrow. After the signing, or meet and greet. You can pick them up then if you want and I'll come down to get them the next day. Liam's doing better, his teeth stopped hurting him after we got him those tablets for them. Louis is sassy as ever." Harry chuckled patting the boys backside playfully, Louis turned sending a small glare, "I not sassy." Harry rolled his eyes, "Yeah, were just on the boat. You can talk to him. Louis? Grandma wants to talk to you." Taking the phone Louis giggled, "Hi grandma." Harry exhaled softly peering down at Liam, "What're you doing baby?" Liam glanced up at him, "I's 'playin."

"What're you playing?"

"Blocks." He replied building a tower that belonged to the prince. "Daddy here the phone. She want to talk to Lee-yum." Louis beamed shoving the phone in Harry's face, "Lewis Stylin, that's enough." Harry snapped slapping his backside, "Liam, grandma's on the phone." The youngest hybrid held his hand out, "No, I'll hold it, you just talk." Harry remarked turning it on speaker, "Liam?"

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