>>S E V E N<<

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S E V E N : Mocking


With Zayn still gone, both parents (Harry and Niall) decided to spend quality time with the boys. Niall had the first round when he woke up with Liam sitting on the couch listening to him babble as he played with toys for an hour until Louis scampered into the room as well. "Baba?"

"Morning love." Niall greeted kissing his forehead, Louis whined as he rubbed his eyes sitting next to Niall who lounged on their L shaped couch, Liam always sat in the crack where it split so he had little chance of falling off or running away when he was placed on the couch. "What we 'gunna do today?" Louis asked heading for the remote, "Well whenever Daddy gets up we'll ask him. Put on something Liam will like too." Niall added sternly seeing Louis turn to a football game. Liam would only watch live football, he couldn't stand watching it move on a screen. Basketball was the only sport that played on TV that kept him still. Louis rolled his eyes flipping through the channels when Niall took the remote away going to DVR putting Blues' clues on. Both hybrids watched the cartoon as Niall scrolled through twitter whilst drinking his coffee.

Harry soon stumbled in his tiny bun flopping around with his steps, "D-daddy!" Liam called wanting a snuggle, "Morning Lee Lee. Hey Lou Lou." Harry croaked sitting on the couch next to Liam having the boy crawl into his lap resuming to watch his cartoon. "What're the plans for the day?"

"I don't know. He didn't ask for you know who when he woke up, so I'm hoping it's almost an out of sight out of mind thing." Niall informed referring to Liam and how he had yet to mention his Papa that morning. "Why don't we do some grocery shopping, and if you boys are good then we'll go get ice cream?" Harry suggested patting Liam's thigh to get his attention. "I no want too!" Louis complained crossing his arms in a pout, "I don't want to spank you, but if the attitude continues then I will. Understand me? Good." Niall remarked setting Louis off the couch, "lets go get you dressed." he mumbled, "I dress myself!" Louis reminded rudely running in front of him, Niall sighed storming to get Louis for yelling at him. Catching up with the boy in his room Niall grabbed his bicep landing eight hard swats to his behind, "Drop the attitude now. Understand me?"

"Y-yes." Louis mumbled waiting for Niall to pick out clothes for him. Holding out a short sleeve white shirt Niall handed him maroon jeans, "White converse."

"C-can I w-wear vans?" Louis begged not wanting to wear the darned converse. That was Liam's thing, Louis preferred Vans. Niall thought for a minute before agreeing, "Yes you can wear your Vans. Get dressed."

Harry was in Liam's room humming softly to him as the hybrid laid on his changing table grinning at his daddy, "My sweet, beautiful, baby boy." Harry cooed leaning down to blow raspberries on his pudgy stomach. Hearing him giggle, Harry pulled up his maroon skinny jeans putting on a white shirt with black stars. "You look so cute baby." Harry mused tying on white converse. Packing a white and black pacifier Harry handed Liam his stuffed snake carrying him to the car where Louis groaned at his outfit whilst the parents laughed, "You guys match! That's adorable." Niall chuckled snapping a picture with Louis giving him the death stare while Liam grinned showing the camera his snake, "I should caption it with 'my happy baby, and his grumpy older brother'" Harry smirked at him getting in the passenger seat letting Niall drive their SUV.

Pulling into the parking lot Harry placed Liam in the baby part as Louis crawled into the big section. Liam nibbled contently on his snake as Harry pushed the cart until it was ripped from his mouth, whimpering at the loss of contact he was met with Niall's stern look, "You don't chew on your toys. I'm taking it if you do it again." Liam's bottom lip jutted out until he felt a finger tap it, "A bird will land on it." Harry warned playfully, "S-stop!" Liam fused continuing to pout, Harry however wasn't spending his day like this. If there was one way to stop Liam from pouting: It was to mock him. Crossing his own arms Harry jutted out his bottom lip as well, Louis laughed at them both Liam only sent daggers to Harry. " 'addy s-stop!" Liam snapped pushing Harry away, "Daddy stop!" Harry copied, "S-top!"




"S-stop it!" Liam finally yelled sobs starting, Harry rolled his eyes his smile not dropping, "Are you done pouting?"

" 'w-weave 'wone." Liam growled turning away from Harry completely. That drove Harry insane, his kids wouldn't ever ignore him. Scooping Liam up he pushed his head to his neck having Niall push the cart. Liam pawed at Harry's tight grip until his hands were captured in one of Harry's huge hands. Carrying a struggling Liam through the rest of the Grocery store, Harry was fed up when they reached the checkout. Tightening the hold he had on the boys wrists, Liam cried out loudly resulting in Harry bashing his mouth harshly, that brought the heart wrenching sobs along with the heart breaking pleas for his "Papa." Hidden fans in the store videoed the meltdown posting it all over twitter with the trending hash tags:

#Narry or #Narents

When Niall's phone lit up from the notifications he gasped seeing the #Hybridabsue, "H-how?" He questioned seeing Liam continue to bawl on Harry until Louis found the pacifier in his diaper bag quickly handing it to the awaiting Harry who put the holder between his own lips, "Lee? Lee-yum." Harry called softly starting to bounce him, the hybrid glanced up seeing his beloved pacifier quickly putting his mouth on the nipple sucking harshly when Harry released it. Niall smiled warmly hoping the fans caught that on camera. Harry excused himself and Liam to the car knowing he needed to talk to Liam to prevent another melt down. Removing the pacifier Harry buckled Liam in his car seat, "Why did you throw a fit in the store?"

"Yyou 'mm-mockeded me!" Liam reminded, "I mocked you so you'd quit pouting." Harry returned, "I no 'wike it." Liam huffed crossing his arms, "Well then you'll stop pouting." Harry chuckled, "'ant Papa." Liam fussed, "Papa's not here baby. He'll be back soon. Do you want to call him?"

"N-no." Liam huffed knowing he wouldn't be able to touch the damn phone. Niall soon came out with the groceries and Louis trailing behind. Buckling Louis in Niall sat in the passenger seat grinning at both boys, "Who want's ice cream?!" Louis giggled raising his hands quickly Liam copied with a giggle, "Only if we promise that we're not going to throw anymore fits." Harry remarked looking for a nod from both boys which he received after a minute. Pulling into the parking lot everyone got out as Niall set at a table with Liam who brought his trusty snake in, "Are you gonna share with Baba?" Niall hummed as Liam nodded mindlessly, when Harry returned he sat next to Liam kissing his hair, "Said they'll bring it out for us." Louis confirmed it with a nod as he set by Niall in front of Harry. "Liam show me your pouting face." Niall pleaded after getting a text from Zayn

@NiallHoran, my baby had better not be pouting! What are yall doing to him?

Liam giggled facing towards Harry pulling his pouty face that Harry mocked instantly, Niall captured it posting it, "Two out of five of my favorite men." Louis smiled leaning on his Baba, "L-life of a celery." Harry and Niall shared a look before laughing, "D-do you mean celebrity?" Niall corrected, Louis furrowed his eyebrows, "'dats what I said. Life of a celery." Harry ended the video he captured posting it with the caption of: Guess we're all stalks of celery :D

The family enjoyed their ice cream, as the fans enjoyed their videos over twitter. All in All everyone was happy. For an hour anyways.




>E M M A<

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