>>F O R T Y<<

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FORTY: The beginning of the Leash
Prompt by and Dedicated too: niallslilhomie
Thank you!!

It was the first concert, first concert involving both hybrids. The young fathers had such hopes that their babies would love the fame and fans. Much like how the fans adored seeing pictures of the famous hybrids.
Liam sat on Harry's lap, holding onto the mans thumbs as he happily sucked a pacifier. Louis sat beneath the two on the floor making his space ships soar in the air playfully. "Look daddy, it 'flyin!" Louis squeals, "I see it baby." Harry assures kissing Liam's temple shifting the baby, "Louis start cleaning up kiddo it's almost time." Niall calls tapping his watch as he enters the room. Louis huffs though does as told. The fathers had just recently sat down with him explaining that Liam needed a good role model. And who better to fit the part than Louis?!
Of course the elder hybrid at the time didn't realize how much "responsibility" that entailed, but it was too late to turn back now.

Zayn told Louis one day he lost Liam's receipt, so he couldn't take him back. That being when Liam was caught chewing on One of Louis' toys and the older one pitched a fit demanding his little brothers return.

When his toys were picked up and placed back in the basket, Louis ran over to Zayn tugging on the mans shirt, "What's up bubba?"
"The fans 'gunna be on stage?" Louis asks, "No babe, we are going to be on stage, but the fans stay in the crowd." Zayn replies scratching behind Louis' ears, "B-but I 'ant to see 'dem!" Louis pouts stomping his foot. Usually Louis wouldn't have dreamed throwing a fit for something so little; you save those drastic things for in the supermarket when daddy says no; however he hadn't gotten his usual nap and was a little fussy.
Zayn turns mid-step, grabbing Louis' bicep he turns the hybrid around landing six smacks to his backside, "That's enough. You will see them." Louis pouts rubbing his bum, "We's hug 'dem?"
"No Louis, we don't hug every fan we meet okay? Daddies don't have time for that." Zayn reminds, "But I's do!" Louis argues, "Well when you're a daddy then you can hug everyone you meet, okay?" The hybrid rolls his eyes storming back to Harry climbing on his lap as well.

Liam glances up at his older brother moving his thumb up to suck on, "What's wrong baby?"
"Papa!" Louis growls sticking his head in Harry's neck to calm himself down by his daddy's scent. Liam doesn't bother to try and understand his silly older brother. Instead he too turns on Harry's lap grinning up at the dada.
"Hello baby boy," Harry greets pecking his nose, "Da-da." Liam squeaks reaching his saliva covered hand up to bat at Harry's face gently. "Yuck, thanks Lee Lee." Harry chuckles wiping his cheek.

Taking Louis' hand, Niall winks at Liam who bashfully hides in Zayn's neck with a giggle. Leading his family onto stage, the three fathers all grow mile long grins as the fans scream loud as possible. One direction concerts were a dream come true for most.

After the long introductions and a few songs, Louis is sitting with Liam on a speaker the two kicking their legs. Liam- to the parents surprise -is doing quite well for his first concert. Unlike Harry worried, he was calm and collected. Even danced around.

However concerts weren't meant to last forever, with the last three songs being sung and played, Louis glanced at Zayn who's doing his solo with a knocked out Liam on his hip snoring softly with noise canceling headphones on. Louis was happy his little brother was more comfortable with his daddies now, although Louis was still very angry with Zayn!

His Papa was being unethical! Don't hug fans?! Hugging fans was like the best thing ever! Especially for Louis because most the time the girls gave them presents! Who turns down the idea of presents? Presents and it's not even Christmas! Who says no to that?! Not Louis!
Leading his fathers off stage, Harry waved at the few girls that had backstage passes. Zayn greeted them as well before excusing himself to put Liam down. Louis watched intently waiting for his Papa to leave the room.
When Zayn was out of sight, Louis pushed open the black door with the sign EXIT running to the sidewalk where girls screamed at his presence.

Returning to the meet and greet, Zayn furrows his eyebrows seeing Niall and Harry signing photos and phone cases. "Guys? Where's Louis?" The other fathers snap their head up eyes wide realizing that the hybrid was no longer with them. "Louis!" Harry shrieks leaving the girls who all dropped from happiness to worry.
Niall threw his pen down running from the room into the hallway, "Louis! Lewis!"
Zayn too called for his oldest son, following Harry.

Grinning for the pictures, Louis giggled when the girls called him adorable. Flinging his arms to the side with a cheeky smile had the girls screaming again snapping picture after picture. If only Niall hadn't heard the screams.

Furrowing his eyebrows, Niall exits onto the sidewalk. He opens his mouth to call for Louis when he stops, there posing for pictures was his son Louis.
"Lewis William Stylin! Get your arse over here now!" Niall snarls waving bye to the fans, grabbing his son by the bicep he throws him onto his hip smacking his backside, "What the hell were you thinking boy?!"
"Ow! I no know!" Louis whines pushing away from Niall. He was used to getting spanked by Zayn, and sometimes even getting the spoon by Harry; but Niall almost never spanked him.

Re-entering backstage, Niall glares at Louis placing him on the ground sliding his belt off, "Go find your Papa and Daddy and tell them what you did." Niall orders lowly, Louis huffing doing as told. Seeing both Harry and Zayn in the hallway, the two fathers come running towards him with hugs and kisses. The hybrid giggles at the affection soaking it all in before Niall clears his throat behind him.
Louis frowns knowing what he has to do, "W-what? What's wrong?" Harry asks, "I's 'r-runded off."
"You ran off? Why?" Harry questions, "To hug 'da fans." Louis admits weakly seeing Zayn's hand before it crashes to his backside, "You what?!"
"Baby that's dangerous!" Harry scolds adding to Louis' guilt. He was sorry he ran off! Well, mostly sorry he got caught. But no one had to know that.

Niall wastes no time taking Louis again in his own arms leading the hybrid to a more private area. Bringing him over his knees, Louis tenses, "No Baba! No! I sorry!" Louis cries, "Yeah right, you're only sorry you got caught." Niall mutters slapping the belt down, "H-how you know?" Questions, he didn't tell Niall. The Baba can't help but shake his head with an amused laugh, "I was your age too once." Louis sighs taking the rest of his belting like a grown up. One that sobbed on the forth lick.
When the "beating" was over Niall carried Louis back to his other fathers that continued to love and cuddle him. He may not always be able to hug the fans, but Louis knew he'd always be able to hug his parents.
And Louis also knew that him wearing a leash at the next concert was a result of his actions. Not that he enjoyed it. There was just something embarrassing around walking around on stage with a bear attached to your back. But his Baba's belt was a quick reminder any time he sat down to never wander off again!

>>Just to clarify that was a flashback chapter<<

>I hope this is what you wanted!!<

>>I would like to thank you for the prompt! And if any of you guys have prompts please place them in the comments below or message me! I try and answer back quickly, but no promises! ~Emma :)
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