>>T H I R T Y S I X<<

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Thirty Four: Wedding Bells
Chapter by and Dedicated too: pineapples4lyfe

Entering the living room Louis crosses his eyes pulling on his ears towards the camera snickering when the camera man scolds him. Apparently you weren't supposed to look directly at the camera on reality TV. Niall enters giving a pointed look to Louis who thrives on aggravating the camera men.
Huffing, Louis strolls to the kitchen knowing that's where Niall was headed, "Baba I has juice?"
"I'll get you some juice," Niall returns leaning down to kiss Harry as he passes the man. The daddy is sitting at the table with Liam in his lap, the hybrid sucking on a pacifier as he rubbed his ears just for the sake of it. "Is he a happy baby this morning?"
"At the moment he is," Harry replies typing on his computer.
Liam had awoke early that morning calling out for Papa who snored louder then the baby monitor so Harry was the one who rescued his baby from his crib. After an hour of cuddling, Liam was given a bottle and asked if he wanted food to which he denied asking instead for "pa-pa."
"He's asleep sweetheart," Harry reminds taking Liam to the kitchen letting him drink his bottle whilst he sent out emails and wrote a few chapters of a private book he was doing for his fans. He was so generous towards them.

"I have news," Zayn announces taking Liam into his own arms seeing him whining on Harry's lap; "My cousin is getting married." Niall gasps as does Harry, "I love weddings!" The daddy gushes having Louis crawl on his lap, "A 'weddin? I wa-nna be in a 'weddin! Daddy you's need a 'weddin." Harry laughs along with the other fathers, "We already had a wedding baby, way before you or Liam came into our world." Niall remarked tickling Liam's thigh having the hybrid squeal.

"I's no be in 'weddin?" Louis pouts, "Actually, Sasha wants you both of my babies in her wedding." Zayn informs smiling widely when Louis cheered, Harry however groaned shaking his head, "No, Liam is too young." Zayn made a face at the comment setting the hybrid down, "Louis take Liam to play."

"I's in c-charge?"

"Er, yes, you're in charge." Niall replied shooing both boys from the room.

As the camera panned in the dining room where Harry sat with his arms crossed, Niall stood with his hip cocked out and eyebrow raised; Zayn pled his case of defense, "First of all Sasha only wants both boys to walk down the isle first. Louis is going to walk with the flower girl, Carolina, and She wants Liam to join them. He doesn't have a specific job, he's just that cute." Harry rolls his eyes, "If she doesn't have a "specific job for him, than she shouldn't be too upset to learn that he won't be walking." Zayn scoffs, "Why do you think you have executive decision?"

"Because I'm daddy."

"Well I'm Papa!"

"Look! It doesn't matter who hell you are! Zayn I agree with Harry, Liam's way too young. The idea is adorable and if we ever get our vows renewed than totally he'll be in ours. But not this time." Niall states frowning as Zayn huffs, "I just hate that the gets left out so much. Louis isn't that much older then him."
"He is maturity wise." Harry reminds both parents looking towards the entry way where the boys stand with devious grins, the automatic response from all three fathers: "What did you two do?!"

Standing in front of the mirror, Louis smirks fluffing his own ears, "I is one 'hawt man!" He gushes, Niall hearing and bursting into laughter. "Where did you hear that one from?"

"Papa." He answers winking at his reflection. "'Ere's you and daddy 'gunna be?"
"We're going to be sitting down on the side that you stand on with Liam." Niall replies kissing Louis' cheek, "Remember to walk slow and stand still once you get there."

Taking his place in a chair between Zayn and Harry who hadn't shared much words due to the fact that they were still "feuding"; Liam stands between Zayn's legs with a grin as he babbles happily. "Yeah he's so fussy." Zayn comments angrily, "Wow Zayn you're so mature." Harry returns crossing his arms, "Would both of you knock it off, it's a wedding for Christ's sake. Be happy."
"My cousin would be happy if she had both of mine in the damn wedding." Zayn growled, "Okay that's to far, I too said that Liam was too young." Niall reminds, Zayn chuckles moving to sit Liam on his lap, "Must be why we're not talking to either of you." Carrying Liam off to see his aunt, both other fathers sigh. "I see where Louis gets his pouting from." Harry jokes, Niall rolls his eyes with a laugh nodding in agreement.

When the room started to fill more, Zayn reclaimed his seat being calm down. Liam sucked happily on a pacifier holding his Papa's hands as he still sat on his lap. Laying his head back, he closes his eyes feeling sleep weigh him down.
That was until the music started.

Not liking the fact that his nap time was interrupted, Liam jolts up as sobs already tumble from his lips. Burying himself in Zayn, the Papa sighs bouncing him; "Lee lee what happened? Shh, calm down bubba." Having to be quick considering that it was a wedding, Zayn hands him to Niall, "You're okay, shh, Baba has you." Harry too tries helping as the groomsmen walk down with the bridesmaid. With eight each it gave the fathers a bit more time.

Continuing to sob out of pure fussiness and sleep deprivation (from not sleeping well the night before) Liam didn't listen to Harry's warnings of taking him to the bathroom if he didn't quiet down.
Sighing Zayn again takes him rising with wide eyes, when the music switched he really got scared. His baby was gonna ruin the wedding!
"Liam please baby, please quiet down." Begging his youngest son to somewhat settle his sobs, Harry handed him a bottle that Zayn placed between the hybrids lips having him stubbornly shake his head. He wasn't hungry he was sleepy.
Caroline entered first, Louis next to her as he grinned widely. For him this was the dream! That was until he heard the all too familiar wail of his younger brother: Liam.
Groaning quietly, Louis walked down the isle glaring at Zayn who mouthed he was sorry. At least Zayn understood his frustrations.

Knowing he couldn't let Liam's cries be heard while Sasha walked down the aisle, Zayn grabbed the diaper bag leaving the room texting a certain person that he needed help.
Bouncing him, he caught the hybrids attention as he stood next to a window. "See the pretty birds?" Zayn asks gently wiping the tears off his sons cheek, Liam nods sniffling still, "What set you off in there bubba?"
"I-I's 'anna 'sweep," Liam whines rubbing his eyes, "You're sleepy? You slept on the way over here." Zayn mumbles glancing towards the door that holds the answer to his prayer.

With open arms stands his mother, Nana, Liam's favorite person (besides his Papa of course). Wriggling in Zayn's arms, he was placed on the ground to run to her arms with a grin.
With another five minutes of swaying with the boy, Nana had him knocked out cold. Returning her grandson to Zayn, the two entered the room again watching the ceremony.

"Did 'ya see me?! I-I's stood up 'dere all by 'maself!" Louis exclaimed jumping on his seat at the table. "We all saw you baby." Harry assures gaining Liam's attention with another spoon full of carrots, "Hey Baba?"
"Yea?" The father asks looking at his eldest baby that held a serious face, "Next 'weddin it be me and Lee-yum." The three dads laughed, "We'll have to see bub." Zayn, the man who would now admit that Liam was too young to stand at the alter, admitted. He adored both his babies, and even though Liam couldn't do most of the things Louis could; he wasn't missing much.

>This seems really long to me for some reason. I don't know, but I hope this is up to par! Thank you again for the prompt it's greatly appreciated as I am almost out of ideas myself because my brain is fried from moving. Omg it's ridiculous. I hate it. Anyway, thanks for reading! ~Emma :)

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