>>T W E N T Y E I G H T<<

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TWENTYEIGHT: Birthday party

Parking the SUV, Zayn glances in the rear view mirror with a stern look; "We are going to be nice, respectful, and well behaved. Correct?" Like usual Liam agreed, he didn't really know what it meant and Papa had said it so it could've have been to bad. Louis huffed, he knew what it meant. "Boys? I'm not against spanking both of you here." Liam whined loudly showing his distaste for the threat of receiving a spanking, "None of that baby." Harry scolds narrowing his look at the hybrid that huffed, "Dada?"

"Yes Sweetheart?"

"I's no 'onna 'gat 'panking 'oo-day." Liam assured taking his pacifier out to drop on the car floor with a grin, "uh oh." Louis groaned rolling his eyes at his brother, "Louis I know you didn't want to come, but they invited us. Be the sweet boy you always are." Harry commanded opening the doors of the SUV glancing at Zayn who grabbed Liam. Scooping the hybrid up, he whined for his pacifier no one had picked up yet. "You dropped it, so you must not want it." Zayn teased, "I-I 'ant it!" Liam cries pawing at it in Zayn's hands. "I'm going to give it to you, but no more dropping it, understand?"

"Y-yes!" Liam whines loudly fussing before it's placed in his mouth.

Ringing the doorbell, Louis grumpily stands in front of Harry holding onto the wrapped gift Harry handed him. Niall stood behind them with another gift for the parents along with a diaper bag for Liam who stayed on Zayn's hip giggling at the tickle monster the Papa swore he had no control over.

"Hi! Welcome!" Siva greeted not noticing the uneasy smiles he got in return. Niall was the most subtle one with his handshake, "Of course, something for the three of 'ya." Harry grunted himself fixing his face as he nudged Louis, "'Dis 'fur T-Tom."

"For Tom? Oh he'll be so pleased you're here! Tommy! Louis is here!" Siva called frowning when no child came over. Instead Max did with Nathan following him, "Oh look Nath! Liam's here!" The youngest snapped his head up at the call of his name sucking harsher on his pacifier, "Nathan would adore a playmate! Luke and him have already gotten into a fight." The three parents of One Direction squeeze their way into the house of another band they know, The Wanted. It was Tom's birthday party and they had invited Louis, after Tom claimed they were amazing friends. With Harry being a diva and snob he declined until realizing he was teaching his kids the wrong thing by not going because you don't like a particular person.

So sitting on their couch next to Zayn and Niall was doing the right thing. That was until Jay pulled Niall away wanting to discuss nonsense, and Max took over talking to Zayn about tours and boxing.

Sitting uncomfortably on the couch, he breathed a sigh of relief when Callum ran up hugging him, "Finally someone I like." Harry laughed agreeing, "I know, this place is a mad house." Which it was. The Wanted had a way bigger family connection than One Direction's put together. Plus they had gotten more celebrities at the home and dancers all for Tom's entertainment. It was until all the kids moved to the main room where Harry and Callum sat that Harry realized Liam was the youngest one yet again. Than he wondered where in the hell was his youngest? Rising, he's settled seeing Liam run to him in tears, "D-dada!" Crawling on his lap, he buries his face in Harry's neck having his back rubbed how he likes. "I wish Luke still called Michael Dada." Callum pouted, "Well his Papa let him watch something scary the other night so this one has resorted to calling me Dada and getting up every night." Harry explained rocking back and forth with his baby in his arms. Seeing Louis, Harry pulls him back by the collar of his shirt, "Are you being nice?"

"Yes daddy." He grumbles pouting until his best friend comes up behind him hugging him, "Louis!"

"Ashton!" Giggling again in seconds, Liam too had came out to clap and smile himself. Running off, Harry sighs after them, "I'm glad their such friends." Callum chuckles, "I am too. I know it's a surprise but Luke actually likes Nathan. I didn't think It was possible. Two brats form a relationship?" The parents burst into laughter, Liam copying with giggles. "You two are making quite the scene." Michael alerts them with a smirk, "Sorry, we're judging." Harry muses, "Come see me Lee Lee." He begs opening his arms around for the hybrid who shockingly goes to him. "I saw that Papa brought a puppy to your house." Liam nods, "'awley."

"Harley? Is she nice?"

"Y-yea!" He squeals looking to Harry again. "What baby? Uncle Mike has you, not me." Liam huffs shaking his head, "No? I don't have you?" Michael asks with a chuckle, "I's 'ant dada." Liam whines making his grabby hands towards Harry who takes him kissing his cheek, "Hello baby boy."
"Alright everyone! The food is done if everyone wants to start making their way out." Siva informs as Max opens the doors to the backyard. Zayn is rushing back to Harry's side as is Niall, "We've stayed long enough, lets split."

"Zayn that's rude, we haven't even seen him open presents." Harry scolded shifting Liam who fussed in his hold until placed on the ground, "Lee's getting fussy, I'll get Louis-," Niall rushed being stopped by Harry, "Liam is fine, you two are no better than Louis. They invited us, we can't be rude."

"You're the one that refused to come in the first place!" Zayn reminded rudely, "It's teaching our kids wrong. Let's just make it to cake, than we can split." Niall sighed at Harry bargain, "Fine, but if Jay pulls me to the side again you're coming too. If I go down, we all going down." The husbands chuckle at Niall who nod curtly heading outside with Michael.
Taking a seat off to the side, Harry sits with a plate of food he has no intentions of eating. In front of him is Liam sucking on a pouch of applesauce with a bib on covered in whales. He was truly too adorable in the moment and Harry couldn't help but take a few pictures. Liam grinned up at his Daddy letting his ears flicker as he turns to watch Louis and Ashton kick around a football. Zayn joins Harry's chair, "Notice how our child isn't including the birthday boy." He mumbles, "It's hard for him, he's protective."
"That what makes him so great." Zayn assures kissing Harry's head, "Do you wanna play baby?" Liam nods quickly dropping the pouch to jump into Zayn's arms being carried over to Louis. "Can Liam play too?"

"Yea! C'mon Lee Lee, kick 'da ball over 'ta Ashton." Louis commanded holding Liam's hand as the baby lightly kicked it squealing.

It was nearing Five o'clock, night time starting, Harry groaning as he held a cranky Liam on his hip. The youngest hybrid had played ball for most of the afternoon tiring himself out completely. "Present Time!" Jay called clapping his hands, Niall scooped up Louis kissing his cheek as he too laid his head on Niall's shoulder. Watching Tom rip into his presents, all three parents smiled politely swaying with their own baby. It coming to an end, Max, Siva, and Jay approaching the parents, "Thank you for coming, perhaps another time Louis could stay over." Jay offered, "Maybe, See ya later." Niall remarked carrying Louis out to the SUV Zayn tagging along. Harry started to leave being pulled back, "And next time you'll have to let us watch this cutie-," Going wide eyed Harry feels his calmness break, "I'm sure he could use a break just as much as his daddies could. Nathan isn't this clingy because of self soothing. I have some books on it, I'll get them for you!" Siva exclaims turning to leave. Harry glances at the party, Liam, and bolts. "Go Go Go!" He shouts buckling Liam in hastily as he slides in between the carseats, "We are never coming back here!" Zayn barks out with laughter, "Welcome to the dark side,"

"We've been waiting." Niall adds leaning back to kiss Harry who shudders, "He was going to give me self soothing books. Gag." Louis reaches out grabbing Harry's hand, "N-no 'mowe 'anted daddy. 'Dey no good p-people."

"Their weird people aren't they?" Louis giggles nodding, "Are we weird?" Niall asks Louis, "No, we is good people."

"I-I's good!" Liam slurs jolting awake in his sleep, "You are good baby, both of my babies are so good." Harry swears grabbing both of their hands. He didn't have to worry about teaching his kids right from wrong on every little subject, Louis knew a little more than he let on. That's what made him so great.

>Adorable or not? Of course it is! So I did all three bands, please don't hate me! :) hopefully another chapter tomorrow, lots of love, ~Emma :)

>>>PS: READ! I have a new Story out: Good Enough, please please please go check it out!~Emma :)

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