>>T H I R T Y<<

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THIRTY: Misunderstanding

Racing Liam to the swing set, of course Louis won. And of course he couldn't stop himself from rubbing it in. It was just a natural thing. At least Louis explained it that way. "Haha I won!" He gushes, Liam not phased by the bragging, the hybrid found much more content in the pretty dandelions. "Daddy!" Louis calls plopping himself down in his swing, Liam had one specially for babies. Being the silly baby he is of course. Louis was a big boy. He has a swing for big boys. "What Lou?" Harry asks jogging over, "Push me Daddy." Louis demanded attempting to push himself using his feet, "Baby I brought you all out here so I could work out, not push you." Liam glances up at the remark showing Harry his new flower, "How pretty baby. Louis why don't you and Liam go blow some bubbles?" He suggests pointing towards the supplies he had expertly laid out beforehand knowing his Hybrids became bored quite easily.  

Louis giggled glancing toward his brother before blowing a bubble through the spot letting it float around before Liam squealed glancing up popping it. "B-bye bye." Liam called  waving towards the water droplets. The game of Louis blowing and Liam popping continued until Zayn returned home from a date with Gigi his newest girlfriend. Niall was out with his own friends leaving Harry alone for the day because no one really wanted to deal with Zayn after one of his dates. The man was always a bit rude afterwards. 
"Hey, I wasn't expecting you home." Harry greeted kissing the man's cheek, "Well I do live here." Zayn retorted placing a cigarette between his lips, "Right. The doctor said-"
"I don't care." Harry sighed returned to his exercises. That particular day we was working on crunches and running. Not that he wasn't fit, but when one so called fan pointed out the non-existent stomach they said he had, Harry grew more self-conscious than he already was. 

"What're you two doing?" Zayn called flicking his ashes on the ground, Liam stood from his spot on the ground, "Papa!" Liam beamed running to his lap his flower still in hand, "Bubba you're supposed to blow it out." Zayn remarks patting the boys thigh with a kiss to the temple. Louis too joins Zayn climbing in his lap, "Papa?"
"Yes baby?" Louis smiles widely, "Will you push me?" Zayn furrows his eyebrows, "Louis no, we don't push people. Did you push Liam?" The hybrid makes a weird look, "I's no push Lee-yum." 
"I'm not pushing you, that's hurting someone for no reason." Louis huffs, "It not 'gunna hurt!" Zayn is baffled, his son literally asked him to push him! Push him! Setting Liam on the grass he points towards the bubbles, "go back and play, both of you." Louis groans, "Papa push me!" 
"I'm not going to push you!" Zayn growls rising from his chair to retrieve a drink, Louis pouts crossing his arms. Why wouldn't his Papa push him? Louis so badly just wanted to swing. All he needed was a push. 

Soon Harry finished his workout, "boys come on!" He called opening the patio door, "Daddy we stay?" Louis asked pleadingly, "Stay where I can see you, but you're coming in for lunch." Harry agrees heading towards the kitchen. He sees Zayn enter the room patting his pockets, "Looking for something?"
"Yea, where's my pack?" Harry shrugs getting out a loaf of bread and meat, "Sandwich?" Zayn nods mindlessly, "Did I leave it outside,"
"You better not have left a lighter in Louis' view." Harry growls protectively, "Oh please he's fine." Zayn returned rolling his eyes. Searching around the outside patio, Zayn finds his pack, though sees his lighter isn't with it. "Lewis?"
"Yes Papa?" The boy returns wide eyed, he didn't like when Zayn said 'Lewis'. That meant spanking. "Where's my lighter?"
"I no know." The boy replied, "Lewis Stylin, it'll be a real belting if you're lying." Taking Zayn's threat seriously, Louis broke out into tears, "I no 'ave it! I no 'ave it Papa!" Grabbing his bicep, Zayn hikes him to his hip kissing his cheeks, "Dry your tears, you're okay. Maybe Lee grabbed it without thinking." Heading towards his other baby, he sees the hybrid shaking flowers laughing as the seeds fly off into the wind, "Baby do you have something of Papa's?" Liam nodded handing Zayn a flower, the Papa sighs setting Louis down kneeling next to Liam, "Anything else?" The youngest thinks for a moment before gasping, he's turned completely around grabbing the white stick he knew glowed in the dark, "I's found it!" Liam gushes, he usually saw Papa carrying it around, and thought it was cool. "Well thank you for finding it for me!" Zayn returns happily having Liam nod placing it in his hand, "Thank you baby boy." 
"Papa? You push me now?" Louis begged, Zayn glances up at him with curious and confused eyes. "Baby I don't see why you would want me to push you." Louis shrugs, "It fun!" Zayn sighs placing both hands on Louis' chest before giving him a light shove. 

The hybrid of course lets out a scream. He really can't believe that his Papa had literally just pushed him. Liam too is freaking out. Pushing was not okay! Zayn is shocked going wide eyed, "what is wrong?! You asked me to push you!" Harry runs out with an ice-pack, "What happened?!" Louis continuing to bawl scrambled to his feet attacking Harry in a hug, "Pa-pa P-P-pushed me!" Harry scoffs with a glare, "why the fuck would you push him?!"
"He asked me too!" Zayn defends taking Louis in his own arms, "Louis baby you've been asking me to Push you all day-"
"On 'da swing!" Louis snarls pushing away from the man. Zayn can't do much but laugh, "Oh my God, Louis baby. Baby I'm sorry, I thought you wanted me to actually push you. That's why I kept saying no." Harry too is laughing, "Bless his heart," Louis sobs on his Daddy's shoulder until he's knocked out. Liam too is scooped up being placed in his bed. 

Shampooing his hair, Harry kisses his cheek, "Does it still hurt?" Harry asks knowing it doesn't, but his little baby was quite the drama queen when he wanted to be. Louis sniffles shaking his head. It was dinner time, bathing before. Liam too sat in the bath playing with his toys waiting for his own hair to be washed. "'Wouie." Liam gurgles poking his older brother with his boat, "Lee-yum no." Louis huffs, "Hey now don't be mean to your brother." Harry chastises. 
Drying both boys off, He dresses Louis in shorts with an Adidas shirt, "Go play before Dinner is ready." Taking Liam to the living room where Niall sat telling Zayn about his day, he lays Liam on the couch taping a nappy around his waist, "How was my baby boy?" Harry smiles at the question kissing Liam's stomach, "He was very good today, no fits." Niall looks to Zayn, "Louis told me about his Papa pushing him-"
"You don't know the full story," Zayn starts chuckling, Niall too laughs, "I can't even imagine." 

Taking Louis in his arms, Zayn kisses his head soothingly, "Can I do something for you?" Zayn asks softly, Louis meets his eyes, "'W-wike 'wat?" The Papa smiles taking him outside setting him on the swing, "Like maybe pushing you how you want?" Zayn offers with a laugh beginning to push him gently hearing Louis giggle and squeal happily. Zayn only prays to no have such a Misunderstanding in the future.

>Well? The ending was quite cute. Vote, Comment, Follow; ~Emma :)

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